Thank The Gods!

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[Lucas' POV]
As I was kissing Maya I heard a voice call my name. Holy Shit. It sounded a lot like Riley! She jumped off of me in panic while I fixed my face in case there were any lipstick marks.
It was only Maya's foster mother. "Maya? Is that you?" She asked.
She sighed, "Yeah Mom, it's me." She probably thought it was Riley too. "I'm really sorry. I promise I'll never do it again."
"No it's ok sweetie!" Mrs. Hart said.
"Really?!" She said surprised.
"Yeah! Of course it's ok! I remember being just like you when I was your age. All I wanted was for my parents to understand that I could take care of myself and not get into trouble. Just next time, please take it to your room instead of the front porch where everyone can see you." She pleaded.
"Yes," she hugged her mom, "I will."
"Lucas, honey," Maya's mother started to say, "if you want to stay you're welcome to stay. I just don't want you walking alone in this time of day. Especially in this neighborhood."
"Um, ok!" I said happier than I've ever been. "I'd love to stay."
"Do you need any clothes? We used to have a son your age living here, but he wanted to search for his parents."
"No it's ok." I said, " I thought we were going to go night swimming so I brought extra clothes."
"Oh ok."
"Thank you for letting me stay." I said entering the room.
"Of course Hun, anytime."
Maya led me to her room and I jumped on the bed. "You've been awfully quiet."
"I just thought she'd make you leave. I thought she was going to get mad or something." She said, "but instead she offered you to stay!"
"Are you mad about it because I could leave if you want me to."
"NO!" She yelled, "I-i mean... no. I want you to stay. Just no more kissing."
I gave her a confused look, "Wait, why not."
"Because Riley likes you and I could never do that to her."
"Oh." I said emphasizing that fact that I was disappointed.
"No! Don't get me wrong I loved our...," she looked down at her phone, "30 minute make out session outside. I definitely want more of it," I smiled, " but I don't want to hurt Riley's feelings."
"But look on the bright side! You get to sleep in my room!"
"Yeah," said walking closer to her, "but what's the fun in that if I don't even get to make out with the owner of the room, with the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on."
She blushed. God! I love it when she does that! I smiled and with that she grabbed my face and our lips instantly connected. Sparks were flying everywhere! It was like visiting Disneyland for the first time. It was until she pulled away.
"Okay, that's it though." She said, "nothing more. I don't want Riley to know about this. I don't want her to get mad. Promise me you won't tell her."
"I promise."
"Okay, good. Oh and if Riley ask why we're walking to her house together, tell her that you came and picked me up even when I refused to go with you."
I laughed at what she said and said, "okay but I need 1 good night kiss."
"What!? No!"
"Please!!" I begged.
"Okay fine." She smashed her lips onto mine to finish the night. This is going to be the best weekend ever!

My Depressing LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora