Chapter 5 • Jealousy •

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Chapter 5Jealousy
•not edited•

After about two minutes of looking for Luke I decided that I'd go to the rest room. As soon as I turned the corner to my destination I stopped dead in my tracts.

Well then, maybe mine and his 'going to get us drinks' have different meanings. There the bastard was lip locking with a red head up against the wall. His right hand tangling in her red locks and his left holding the back of her knee hiking it up as he was pressed flat against her.

I wished that their position didn't bother me so much but I did. I can't possibly be jealous. After years of turning off my emotions Luke had to be the person to let them betray me. Unbelievable.

With my dignity and pride, I held my head up and turned around heading back in the direction I came from. Rest room long forgotten. I went to the refreshments table and found some champagne.

I poured myself a glass and chugged it down. Stupid Luke. Stupid red head. Stupid feelings. They both can go to hell for all I care.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down there", with that my fifth glass of champagne was taken from my hand.

I was about to tell off the person that had the audacity to separate me from my drink but stopped as I took in the person.

He was good looking. Like so-good-looking-I-make-girls-drop-their-panties-with-just-a-smile. The air was knocked out of me as I stared at him.

"Excuse me?", I finally regained my train of thought and tried to reach for my glass.

"Uh-uh-uh, I think that's enough champagne for one night", he walked over to a potted plant and dumped my remaining champagne.

He made is way back over to me and I glared at him every step he took coming closer to me. "That's not rude at all", I folded my arms.

"I know, chivalry and all", he smirked. I wanted nothing more than to wipe that sexy ass smirk off his face. That champagne is really messing me up right now. I lost control of my emotions.

"Zayvion Blake", he took my hand in his kissing my knuckles. I swear my knees are about to give in.

"Rebecca Nelson", I'm sure my cheeks are giving cherries competition for redness at the moment.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Nelson. Now, mind elaborating why you're drowning yourself in champagne?", he raised an eyebrow.

"Bad night", I muttered.

"Oh, well I've taken it upon myself to make your night then", he bowed dramatically and held out his hand, "May I have this dance?", he asked in a fake British accent.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face and placed my hand in his, "Yes, you may", I replied back.

He led us to the dance floor where couples were scattered dancing. I rested my hands around his neck while his was around my waist. We moved in sync to the slow song. Being so close to his face I couldn't help but study him.

He had mesmerizing green eyes. Strands of his sandy blonde hair came down on his forehead. His nose was straight and his lips were full. Stubble grazed his strong jaw line that made him look even sexier.

"I know I'm Greek-god good looking but your staring is creeping me out", he joked.

I actually laughed out loud but my laughter was drowned by the music. I blushed and looked away as I heard his.

"Don't worry, I'm flattered", he spoke against my ear. The slow song ended and before I could reply someone bumped into me.

Kill. Me. Now. Of course it had to be him. Dylan fucking Bailee.

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