Chapter 3

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Faith P.O.V

Me and Ashton were eating breakfast, he actually made me breakfast I mean yes it is cereal but still no one has made me breakfast in ages.
"Hey Faith" johnnie said as he walked in the room he was carrying a little girl on his hip with him she had black hair and dark brown eyes she looked a little younger then me
"Faith this is Katie, katie this is Faith" he introduced us
"Hello" she said as she got of johnnie and ran to me and hugged me.
I'm not gonna lie I was scared why is this strange Katie girl hugging me?we've only just met, do I hug her back?
"Errm hi Katie" I say even to me that sounded like I was scared.i looked at Ashton for some help
"Faith we can be best friends for ever and ever and ever" she says with excitement I don't want to upset her
"Yeah " I say not wanting to disappoint her
"Katie come on we better get going to town" johnnie says and they leave the kitchen.

Ashton P.O.V

When Faith looked at me when Katie was talking I wanted to help my wolf wanted me to help screamed at me to but my human side told me not to she has to meet people try and make friends, yes Katie is 7 and Faith is 10 but I want her to make friends and not feel lonely I can feel what she feels and it's only lonely sadness and scared but even though she feels that she is still brave I haven't even seen her cry.
My mate is brave,I'm proud to call her my mate.
"So Faith what do you want to do today"
"I don't know"she says so sweetly
"How about we go get ice-cream?" I ask "are you sure" she replys
"Ofcourse" I say happily I smile even more when I see her smiling.

Ricky me and Faith are off out i link to Ricky just incase he gets worried
Okay but make sure she's okay he links back

Faith and I get in to my car and drive to the ice-cream shop she turns the radio on and stitches by Shawne Mendez come on and she starts singing to it softly while looking out the window. 

when we finally reach the ice-cream place faith has a smile on her face god i love that smile,we jump out the car and walk in to the ice-cream shop,we walk to the person near the counter and order i get a vanilla flavour on and she gets 2 scoops one vanilla like me and one strawberry we go to sit in one of the booths in the back.

"Ashton, how old are you? she asks while licking her ice-cream

"im 16" i say 

"oh so you found your mate" she says with a hint of sadness 

"i kind of have but i also kind of havent"i reply 

"that makes no sense" she says tilting her head to the side 

"you'll understand when your older"i say

"OMG! Ashton is that you" no no no no please please dont be Ashley, shes the "popular" girl at school also known as top slag if you want a quickie then go to Ashley she is also in the pack,she has blonde hair and the amount of make up she puts on is ridicules 

"hi Ashley" i say annoyed she always follows me and johnnie around like a lost dog inside of school and i just want to spend some time with Faith

"oh and who are you?" she asks Faith she looks at her with disgust, that evil bitch how dare she.

"im Faith you must be a Barbie with the amount of make up you put on" when Faith finishes she clasps her hand over her mouth as if just realising what she just said i cant help but laugh then she start laughing 

"you evil little bitch" Ashley say she throws her hand back and was gonna swing at her but i grabbed her and shoved her away

"DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT LAYING A FINGER ON HER!" i shout i began shacking,shit im gonna shift i can feel i, i grab Faith knowing she'll be able to calm me down and walk out i put her in the car and buckle her in and get in the drivers side and start driving the car drive was silent i was still shacking with anger how dare she try and hit dare she call her a bitch!Faith is her beta female she should show Faith respect.we finally reach home i carry Faith in we walk in the kitchen and she gets down Faith looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

"please dont be mad with me Asher i didnt mean it, im so sorry dont hate me please and ill apologise to her i promise." please goddess tell me im hearing things does she actually think im mad at her,i see a tear fall from her eyes and i wipe it away i pick her up in my arms.

"Faith dont ever think i will hurt you because i would never event think of that, and you dont need to apologise she tried to hit you not the other way around" i was hurt she actually thought i would hate her.

"Ashton do you promise to never hurt me or leave me and we will always be friends?" she asks shyly

"i promise to never leave you and never hurt you or leave you and we will always be friends,best friends" 

i will always protect her and let no one hurt her for as long as i breath.

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