chapter 11:her story

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Abby's P.O.V

i looked at my sister who was sat on the dark haired boys lap i think his name was Ashton and they were inbetween the other 2 one was the Alpha i know that because of the strangth he has i can sense it, i can also sense how protective they are with my younger sister, only by 5 minutes though, i feel bad for how much i missed out on 5 years and she was all alone im glad she found this pack, im happy they saved goddess only knows what wouldve happend if she stayed she finished what she was saying and i could see on their faces they wanted my side of the story i quickly wiped away the stray tears that had shed when Faith said her story and begun mine.

"i guess its my turn to tell the story from what i know...when i left you and locked the wardrobe door i went down stairs, father was knocked out on the floor and 1 rouge was dead i looked around and saw mom with someone i didnt know at the time who it was but she was hugging him,she let go once she saw me and introduced me to him his name was daz then he came up to me and picked me up i didnt like it, i didnt know him but mum said trust him to me and kissed my cheek father was stirring then mum told him it was time then she said we're going away and that she will bring father and you tomorrow but that i should go with daz now i truly thought you were coming i just thought we were going on holiday but we wasnt,Daz put me in this black minivan it stunk of rotten meat i hated it and he drove through the entire night i fell asleep and didnt know where we were and then mum came back in the afternoon and told about an hour after i left more rouges came and killed you and dad she held me while i was crying and ever since me, her and Daz moved around town after town uptill a few weeks ago we..i mean they got this little cottage, it had 3 rooms which was strange we only ever got 2 rooms and then mum told me you were alive and that she only just found out she said a friend had you and you were living with them then today or should i say yesterday she went to get you but i begged and begged for her to let me come then she and Daz had a talk away from me when they returned mum looked happy but Daz looked almost sad, when we got here mum made me wait in the forest she said she wanted to surprise you then she never came back.i screamed because i was scared i didnt know here i was and what was happening i didnt know when my mum was coming back it felt like hours and hours before i finally started to scream hoping some one could hear me that some one could just help me." i looked over at Faith she had a tear rolling down her cheek and the boy that was holding her held her tighter after just realizing she was sad,"im so sorry Faith i didnt know about Father and mum i didnt know, if i did i would of run away to get you i promise you i wouldve if i only knew im so sorry please forgive me" i put my head in my hands and sobbed my heart out. i've  left my little sister, i abandoned my twin, my bestfriend, my sister.

i felt hands wrap around me and looked up to see my beautiful sister staring down at me

"you didnt know and you dont have to be sorry, i know that if you did know you would've came you were always my protective sister.i love you Abby.and whats there to forgive it was her fault not yours so stop crying" she said there was a twinkle in her eyes and i couldnt help but smile when i saw hers

"before i forget Happy Birthday Faith"

"Happy Birthday Abby"


hey guys i was wondering you want a mate for Abby or shall we wait abit and if she does get one i'll let you guys make them up or choose someone anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter.thankyou for reading and i think you know what to do, vote if you think its good enough, comment some suggestions down below and hoped you enjoyed.


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