Shadow Jackson

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I escaped. The feeling was pure bliss. I was finally free, trying to open my eyes I couldn't.

"Maggie," I called out to my wolf but was met with silence.

What had I done? I had hurt possibly killed my wolf, leaving me in this horrible world alone. I had to wake, I gathered all my will power and opened my eyes.

Taking a deep breath I take in my surroundings. I see that I'm in a place that resemblances a hospital. Looking to my right I see that a built man is sleeping on the chair. I'm not even worth to pay a visit then. This is my chance, I can finally escape. Taking the IV out of my arm, I slowly get up hissing in pain. I stand up and try to sneak out the room when my legs give out. I close my eyes waiting for the impact to hit me but instead felt two strong arms grab me before I hit the cold metallic ground.

"I can't let you go, Luna," the strong man told me. I looked at his face and saw that his eyes held power, he was Beta, because he  wasn't the Alpha. Damien was the Alpha

"Luna? Are you kidding me? I'm worthless, no one wants me in this world. My mother died giving birth to me, my father thinks of her when he looks at me, I was treated badly in my pack, and they were the reason why I crossed the border. Wishing and hoping that my mate would give the love that I had yearned for all these years, but fate loves to mess around my life. The Moon Goddess gave me Damien for a mate. You know what sucks that I actually hope that he'll change and make an effort to be in my life," I say laughing dryly at my own comment.

Looking to meet his now light gray eyes I ask the one question that has been nagging me the whole time.

"Who saved me? Why did they do that?" I asked him looking into his eyes.

"I did," the Beta answers without any hesitation.

I lunge for him and hit him repeatedly in the chest. Tears burning my vision.

"Why? Why did you do that? I had finally escaped," I whisper and feel slightly lightheaded.

Trying to sit straight up I feel my head spin and darkness consumes.

* * *

"Damien are you crazy? She just woke up. The doctor said she needs to be on bed rest. She fainted half and hour ago," the Beta explained to him.

"Does it look like I care. She woke up, and if she had the energy to wake up then she is alright, and if I hear you talk to me like that ever again, I will hurt you, best friend or not!" He growled out.

I sigh in annoyance. And fall back to sleep.

Waking up in the cell, I try to reach out to my wolf,  but again hear nothing.

Hanging my head and pulling my legs closer to my chest I rock back and forward.

Wow, just after I fainted, I was brought back into this hell hole. Tears escape from my glossed eyes. I wipe them away furiously.

Why the hell did he keep me here if he was going to treat me like that?

I looked at my hands and saw that the cuffs were gone. Instead, my wrist was covered in small yet beautiful white scars.

I heard shuffling from the distance and hung my head again. The doors began to open and in walked the Beta.

Taking a seat on my "bed" he looked at me.

"How are you holding up?" The Beta asked me. Like he cared.

"I'm alright, I'll live," I lie looking up to him and giving him a small forced smile.

"No, I mean how are you? Honestly," he pressed me to hear the truth.

I look at him and give him a shrug in response.

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