16: part 2

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✴Lucys POV✴

He's nowhere to be found. Bentley didn't bother to show up, or even have the audacity to reply back to my text.


I had the choice to either join another group or to work alone. I decide to work alone so I can get this work done faster and don't really feel like talking to anyone.

Right now Mr.Grink is giving us our lab areas. He tells me that I am in the farthest part and that I get a head start to get to my work place.

With my bag with the equipment, my compass, my map and walkie talkie, I reach my work place which is a wet area of bushes , logs, trees and alot mud.

My job is to different samples of plant leaves and add salt water to see if will cause any changes to the plants cells under a microscope.

I set up my station on a flat boulder and begin to look for different leaf samples.

Even though I'm the farthest from evryone, there are a couple o teachers who will be walking around to check on us. Plus I have a walkie talkie if I need anything.

I begin to walk around grabbing random leaves from plants, but writing down the plant names as I go.

As I am walking I get this chill th as t regulates through my body.

I don know if its because I'm cold or what, but it keeps bugging me. Like something isn't right.

I brush off the feeling and head back o my work place with my collected leaves.

I put the leaf samples on Petri dishes and take observations. While I'm taking notes down, I hear some bushes shake.

I turn to see nothing. Maybe it was a squirrel. I go back to my work.

A few minutes later I hear more rustling of bushes and some twigs crack.

I finally walk away from my equipment an look into the forest.

"If someone is out there, you shouldn't creep on people's it's rude." I yelled to no one.

To my right, bushes moved.

I walked slowly towards the bushed and they stopped.

I leaned forward to scope out the movement when a squirrel jumped out, making me scream.

I put my hand over my beating heart and gave out a shaky chuckle.

"Stupid squirrel." I say turning back around.

As I'm walking back, I hear more rustling.

"Not falling it for it this time." I said putting my hand up.

But something stops me in my tracks. Something that shakes me to the bone.

It was growl. A loud and menacing growl.

I slowly turn around hoping it was a harmless squirrel but what I see is unbelievable.

It's a giant brown wolf. It's body was covered with patches of fur, and it looked to have blood around his mouth and neck.

He was at least 6 feet away, but I felt like he was in my face. I closed my eyes thinking that I am dreaming when I open my eyes another is behind the first one and it's snarling at me.

I put my hands stupidly in surrender and start to back way.

As I take a step back the two step forward. As I'm backing away my heart jumps as I trip over a rock and land on my butt.

The brown man get wolf's takes this opportunity to pounce on my putting both his paws on the sides of my head blocking any exit.

I look into the wolf's eyes too see that they are a terrifying red,I've never seen, heard of a wolf with red eyes. Maybe it was rabbies, I don't know, but this wolf looked angry and ready to kill.

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