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✴Lucys Pov✴

I wake up with something in my lap.

I look down to see Bentley sleeping peacefully. Also sleeping everyone else, but there's two missing.

Dana and Greyson.

I carefully slide out from underneath Bentley, when I hear a pan drop.

I walk to the kitchen to see my mom picking up a pan.

"Oh hi mom...What are you doing?" I asked yawning.

"I was going to make you guys breakfast." She said with a big smile.

"Oh, thanks do you need help with anything?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm all good. How's your head feeling?" She asked walking to the pantry.

"It feels a little better, as long as I don't move to fast I'm fine."

"Thats good, Josh, uh I mean Dr. Hunter said if we have an issues or questions to call him."

"Ooh, Joshhhhhh." I said winking at m mom.

"Oh stop it!" My mom blushed.

"He's kinda cute huh?" I teased.

"Not talking about this with you Luciana." My mom said still smiling.

"Awh come on, girl talk!" I whined.

"Nope!" She said pouring flour into a bowl.

Just then, in walked a laughing Greyson followed by Dana.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Dana here is so clumsy. She fell walking to the porch."

"It's not funny." She whined placing bags on the table.

She then sat down lifting up her yoga pants to reveal a bloody cut.

"There's some bandaids in the cupboard." I say unpacking the bags. Greyson then walks over to the cupboard and takes Dana by the hand and leads her to the bathroom.

"Please step into my office." He says opening the bathroom door for her.

"Oh brother." She says rolling her eyes.

I start to hand ingredients for my mom to start cooking, when I feel strong arms wrap around my waist. Then I feel someone place their head in the crook of my neck.

"Good Morning," croaks Bentley. His voice is perfect, but it's even better in the morning.

I turn so we're face to face and give him a big smile.

"Morning sleepy head." I say tapping his nose.

"Whats cooking Ms. Crest? It smells great." He says putting his arm around me and standing to my side.

"Your about to endure my mother's famous breakfast." I say.

"I'm making bacon, sausages, pancakes, eggs, crossaints, blueberry muffins and I'll cut up some fruit."

"I can cut the fruit if you want." Said Skipper walking in.

"Awh, thank you sweetie." My mom says giving her a big smile handing her a bowl and a knife.

"Woah, is it okay for the little one to have a knife?" Bentley teased.

Skipper stuck her tounge out and threw a blueberry at him, which he caught in his mouth.

"Mmm, I love blueberries." He said closing his eyes.

"Yuck." I say. I actually hate them. To be honest I don't like much fruits, no I don't like healthy food. I only like grapes and apples, and I occasionally eat a chicken salad. But only if it has chicken.

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