43:part 2

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✴Lucys POV✴

I'm the first one in the meeting room.

I watch all my friends pile in.

"Luce, what's this about?" Ashton says sitting down.

I smile and shrug.

Once everyone in her including Karlie Ann Bentley strolls in.

"Alright so I called this meeting because your 'Luna' and I have had a disagreenent." Bently begins, looking at me.

I smile.

And Karlie Ann looks at me with knowing eyes.

"As you know Karlie Ann has found her nate, which happens to be a vampire." He says.

Everyone nods and Karlie bites her lip nervously.

I grab her hand in reassurance.

"I personally did not want him here. But Lucy does. So I just wanted to see what you guys rethink before I mmsmake my decision." He says looking around the table.

No one speaks at first. I think they are scared too.

After a minute of silence, Ashton speaks.

"He doesn't bother me. He actually really nice." He says looking Karlie Ann.

"I mean, he's pretty chill for a leech." Greyson says stretching in his chair.

Karlie Ann throws a pen at him.

"I don't see him as a threat to any of us." Dana says smiling at Karlie Ann.

I smile at Bentley like 'yeah bitch, what now?' And he just gives me a blank stare.

"So what's your decision? Choose wisely." I say with a chuckle.

"Fine. He can stay."

Everyone all jumps up and cheers.

I run over to Bentley and give him a kiss.

"I knew you would see things my way." I say with wink.

"What am I going to do with you?" He asks shaking his head.

"Love me? Treat me like a princess, buy me all the food in world?" I say with a grin.

He laughs and kisses me.

"Hey guys, I actually have something important to tell you guys." Karlie Ann says nervously.

We all look at her, waiting for her to continue.

"When Ale died, I made him a promise." She says quietly.

"What was it? " Dana asks.

"I promised him that I would be the new Alpha to the Corleon pack." She says and everyone gasps.

"Are you sure you can do that?" Ashton asks putting his hand in her shoulder.

"I'm going to have to, I promised Ale I would." She says with sad eyes.

"So, I just accepted your mate to my pack just so you guys can leave and lead a different one?" Bentley asks and I elbow him.

Karlie Ann laughs unsurely.

"Uh, I was actually hoping that maybe you would consider taking us under your wing. I'm not alpha material by all means but i would like to learn." Karlie Ann asks shyly.

Dana grabs Karlie Ann's face and examines her.

"Um who Are you and what have you done to Karlie Ann?" She asks laughing.

Human Luna #Wattys2016Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora