diy self - care box

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about -
a self-care box is a place for you to store items that promote feelings of relaxation and happiness ! :) ultimately, they benefit everybody but can be especially useful for those who struggle with anxiety/depression . below are some suggestions for things to put in your box, i hope this helps you cope in times of stress, and lifts your spirits on a rough day !

suggestions -
• chocolate
• favorite movie
• bubbles for a bubble bath
• brain teasers/puzzles
• small notebook/sketch pad
• candles
• stress ball
• favorite poem/books
• beauty supplies - nail polish, face masks, etc.
• coloring book
• sentimental items
• essential oils
• a couple bags of a tea
- anything else you want, get creative ♥︎ -

decorate -
now for the fun part - decorating !
you can use whatever's handy
(shoeboxes are great) and get creative.
garnish your box in washi tape, old newspaper, pressed flowers, magazine clippings, whatever you desire.
let the decoration if the box be just as therapeutic as the contents. :)

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