a few bad feelings and how to beat them

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feeling super tired ?
- go outside ; talk a walk to stretch your legs .
- chug some water ; it keeps you hydrated and awake .
- recharge with a 20 minute nap ; it keeps you refreshed .
- fuel your body with a healthy snack ; fruits and granola bars help !

feeling overwhelmed ?
- ask yourself : what's the one thing that , if you completed it , would make the day a win ? ; break it down into pieces and get to work .
- ask yourself : what am i doing right now ? is this what i should be focused on ?
- breathe . everything will be okay .

feeling bad about yourself ?
- ask yourself : are you even judging yourself on a relevant metric ?  ; focus on helping and serving instead of how popular or impressive you are .
- ask yourself : what bad things are you saying to yourself ?  ; write down 5 good qualities for every bad one .
- ask yourself : what would your bff say ? ; call your bff .

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