Chapter Thirteen

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The following morning, Remi smiled as he tried to get Jesse to brush her teeth and get ready for school. Of course her attitude annoyed him but even Jesse's rotten mood couldn't steal the joy he felt within his heart. It even felt like his heart was beating at an accelerated rate.

He pulled her legs together as she kicked against his effort to lift her up and take her to the bathroom.

“Nooo!” She squirmed. He rolled his eyes.

“Jesse, please don't spoil my morning” He said as he thought of the precious moment he had shared with Sisi last night.

Sisi! His Sisi had come back to him. He smiled. She wasn't literally his but the thought alone made him want to make her his, his wife, Jesse's mother. He remembered the kiss they had shared. It had lasted about ten seconds but it seemed like forever. They had laid in bed after the kiss, Sisi tucked closely beside him. She hadn't stayed awake for long after but he had barely slept for up to two hours. He was filled with unspeakable joy. Joy he knew Jesse would share if she would calm down enough to let him reveal his surprise.

“If you'll stay still long enough for me to brush your teeth, I'll give you a surprise” He said. Her eyes grew wide at the mention of a surprise and she held out her hands for him to lift her up.

After brushing her teeth, he carried her out the bedroom door. Sisi was standing in the hallway. At the sight of her, Jesse let out a happy yell and struggled to climb down his arms before making her way towards Sisi. Sisi smiled and held out her hands for the little girl who was happy to jump into that embrace. They held each other for a while. Remi watched them and smiled.

“Jesse” He cleared his throat as Sisi lifted her up in her arms. “You still have to go to school today”

“No!” She buried her head in Sisi's neck.

Sisi placed her back down and knelt down beside her. She touched her face tenderly.

“Sweetheart, you have to go to school. But when you come home, I'll be here waiting for you and we can spend the rest of the day together. ”

“No, if I leave you, you'll fall asleep and refuse to wake up again. ” Her lower lip protruded and Remi could tell she was on the verge of tears.

“I won't leave. I know I haven't been around here mentally, for you but now, I'm back and I'm here to stay.”

“Promise?” She asked, tears streaming down her face.

“Oh my sweetheart... Trust me” Sisi said and Jesse nodded.

Sisi smiled as she listened to Jummy talk about her unborn child. Jummy had been so excited to see her that morning, she flung herself on her, almost knocking her to the ground. Then, as if realizing what she had done, she withdrew, embarrassed.

They both sat down together in the garden, surrounded by roses and lilies. Jummy had mentioned that Remi's wife planted that garden and that he had fought to keep it alive by paying a Gardner to come twice a week.

Jummy spoke about her baby and her mother's refusal for her to go back home. She spoke about her fears and her worries of what it would be like raising a child without a home or a father. Sisi reached out and squeezed her hand in comfort.

“I know everything will be fine” She said as she glanced up and spotted Remi making his way towards them in the garden. He wore a white T shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Ordinary clothing but the sight of him made her heart skip. She thought about their kiss the night before and she resisted the urge to smile. Noticing the smile Sisi fought to hide, Jummy turned around to see what it was that caught her attention. She gave Sisi a knowing smile and excused herself as Remi got to where they were.

Sisi closed her eyes and took a long sip of her juice, not in a bid to quench her thirst but in a bid to calm her beating heart. He took the seat Jummy vacated.

“How are you?” He asked, observing her.

“I am fine” She placed the cup on the side table. “Aren't you supposed to be at work?”

“I started working from home since you fell ill” He answered.

“Well, I'm fine now. You should go back to work. Besides, Jummy practically lives here and if I need anything, she can help me out. I just don't want you going out of your way for me. ” She protested and he watched her with a smile on his face. He shook his head and she felt frustrated.

He rose up and motioned with his hands for her to do the same and she complied. As soon as she was on her feet, he pulled her against himself, his hands wrapped around her waist.

“My Sisi” He whispered. He ran his fingers down the side of her face, down her scar. She reached up and pushed his hand away. He smiled. She gazed down and he lifted her chin up so she could look at him. At that point, her heart began to beat at an accelerated rate, it almost felt like she was going to have a heart attack. “I will return to work as soon as I can bear to be away from you” He teased. “But for now, I would love to be able to do this” He leaned forward and she felt his warm breath against her skin.

She looked into the eyes of the man she loved, the only man she could ever love and she wanted to hold on to him forever. She wanted to lean into his embrace and wrap her hands around his neck. To belong to him and she was about to when she remembered Chief. What would Chief do if he saw her in the arms of another man? He could kill Remi and he could harm Jesse. No! She couldn't, she just could not afford to let herself fall for Remi any more than she already has. She didn't think she could survive it if Chief hurts him or Jesse.

“Remi...” She knew it would be so easy to hold on to him but she also knew it would be disastrous not to push him away. She stepped back and pulled away from his embrace. “I just don't want you making sacrifices for me. Besides, you have a six year old daughter to think of” She walked around him and made to walk away but she stopped in her tracks. She needed to hurt him, she needed to push him away. Tears filled her eyes as she spoke. “Please remember that I'm a married woman and loving me is a sin against your God” She said as she walked away from the love of her life with tears streaming down her cheek.

Remi stood stunned. Sisi had rejected him. She had all but told him she wanted nothing to do with him and loving her was a sin! How could she say that? How could she push him away like that? Did she lie when she had confessed to loving him last night? He was confused. Her words had cut him deeper that any dagger could cut. But then, she was right. She wasn't his Sisi. She didn't belong to him, she belonged to a monster who took pleasure in abusing her. He made a fist. If she preferred her monster, fine! He would leave her alone. He walked angrily back to the house.

He avoided her all day but when it was time to go to sleep that night, Sisi insisted once more that she wanted to sleep in the guest room with Jummy. He was frustrated. He had thought he could get through the day without getting into an argument with her but the woman was stubborn. 

“I said no!” He all but yelled.

“Remi, listen. Jummy is going to be there with me and I said it before that I'm fine. Besides, this is your matrimonial bed. I'll be disrespecting your wife's memory” She pleaded, averting her gaze.

He was angry. She hadn't thought it was disrespectful to his wife when she had slept in his room the night before. All of a sudden, just so she could avoid him, she was using his dead wife as an excuse.

“Sisi, incase you haven't noticed, this is not a game. It has been proven that the only way you can sleep just fine is when you are beside me.” He said. “I find as much pleasure sleeping beside you, as you do sleeping beside me which is NONE! I'm basically just making a sacrifice here. If you lapse into another coma, so to say, I don't know what I'll do. I don't want a dead woman who is a complete stranger on my hands. So unless you are willing to move out, this is my house and my rules and you will sleep where I say you will sleep” He yelled and he saw the hurt in her eyes but she said nothing.

That night, Sisi cried herself to sleep.

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