Step Ten: You Have A Fight

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I was sitting in the hood of my car, Friday night. I was waiting for Naomi and Carl to leave McDonalds so we could go to the movies. I wasn't expecting to see a girl, with her head ducked, walking out of the fast food chain.

"Hey!" I yelled up.

The pale girl turned to stare at me with wide eyes. Adri turned a little red when she saw me and quickly looked the other way, increasing her pace. I sucked in my cheeks in annoyance. Why was she ignoring me? I hurried toward her, grabbing her elbow and swinging her round to face me.

"Jeesh. What do you want?" She snarled, venom in every syllable.

"To say hi!" I laughed at her furious expression, reaching to brush a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She jumped as if I was about to hit her, and slapped my hand back to my side. She was obviously angry at me, but I didn't understand why. After all, hadn't we been making progress on the friend part? What had I done this time? I furrowed my brow, trying to remember how I had pissed her off.

"Let go off me. Shouldn't you be seducing one of your skanks?" she snorted in absolute disgust, crossing her arms.

"Ooh!" I cooed as the realization dawned in me as well as a smile.

She curled her upper lip in disgust as I started to chuckle.

"You're mad that I chose Naomi over you," I crowed.

Adri turned a dark shade of red and then reached over and slapped me. Hard. I let out an involuntary gasp of pain, cupping my stinging cheek in my hand. What the hell was wrong with this chick?

"Do you need anger management?" I yelled.

"Maybe!" She screeched back, "but at least I'm not a bastard... Like you, you asshole"

My eyes widened and put my hands on my hips, unable to help myself. My dad always did the same when he was outraged. I couldn't believe her nerve... Turning it on me, just because I had made a little joke! Jesus Christ, someone needed to get a little less touchy. Was it her time of the month or something?

"You need to calm down. I should be the one screaming; you did just assault me," I snarled at her.

"Ugh. What happened to the nice kid I used to be friends with? Because you sure as hell ain't nice!" She spat.

"I turned into someone cool," I rolled my eyes, "stop hating on me just because you're own life has turned to shit. All I ever do is try to help, and you just spit it back in my face."

"Oh wow, you turned into someone cool?" She looked at the sky, as if she couldn't believe that I had dared to utter that.

Okay, that was a royal douche thing to say. But I was so angry. I just tried so hard to please her, I always messed up in her books and I was just never good enough. All I wanted was to be there for her, and she just pushed me away. Or she slapped me, I thought, nursing my sore cheek whilst glowering at her,

"I am trying, Adri. I truly am. Why can't you just let me in?" I sighed, tugging at my hair.

"So you can just leave like everyone else?" She shouted, her eyes wild, her beautiful blue eyes turning into a raging ocean, waves breaking beaches of pain.

"I promise I won't leave. Just please... Help me put your pieces back together," I pleaded desperately, grabbing her hands, "I can't help you until you want me to,"

"Why would anyone 'cool' like you, want to help someone like me?" She shook her head, tears streaming down her face.

"Because you're the most perfect broken person I have ever met. You saved me when I was a child, you showed me how to live... Let me do it for you now."

"You don't know me. You don't know how messed up I am, how messed up my life is. You'll leave, you'll leave, you'll leave!" Her voice started off as a whisper and climbed to a hysterical scream at the end.

I didn't know what to do, so I wrapped my arms around her and let her scream into my chest, let her punch me feebly to let out all the anger and hurt she was carrying inside of her. I looked at her creamy hoodie, her tight skinny jeans and her brunette bun and I realized she was far more beautiful than anyone else - nobody would compare to her. No matter how messed up her life was, I was going to make damned sure I was going to stay.

"I can't lose you, too," she murmured in a broken whisper.

"Tell me, Adri. Please, tell me what's wrong," I sighed, making her look at me.

She looked at me with tears looking over from her eyes, and then with a very feeble nod, agreed.



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