Step Nineteen: An Unexpected Romance

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I was sitting in the garden, licking an ice cream, despite it being a very chilly day. Adri was watching me from behind the window, her eyes narrowed. Next to her, in a wheelchair, her mom waved to me happily.

I waved back and smirked at Adri. It was a Saturday and I was spending it with her and her mom. Mrs Walker adored me. And by that, I meant that she worshipped the ground beneath my feet. To be honest, I think she just missed the company of someone other than Queen Grumpy, but it made me happy all the same.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I took it out. My jaw dropped as I saw who had messaged me. It was Gus. I quickly typed in my code and opened my iMessage.

Heyy Eli, long time no speak :P

I'm sorry for not texting you or replying to your phone calls.

But you know, life is hard for me! I feel so depressed so much of the time...

It's so hard to fit in here, and I just feel so lonely... I don't really get along with the people in my university? Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you but mum enrolled me at Cambridge.

She also told me about your arguments. I know how hard she can be on you... Chin up, little brother. You'll be okay, you always are. To be honest, you must be the happiest person in the world!

Anyways, I love you and I'll talk to you whenever I can.

I sighed, my shoulders sagging. This was my brother.... He was a good person, but he was not a good friend. Happiest person he knew? I knew I didn't have much to complain about... But when did he ever ask me how I was? The whole year he stopped talking to me, and he didn't even care what my life had been like? I sucked in my lower lip and put my phone back in my pocket.

I heard the squelching noise of the porch doors opening and someone settled down beside me. It was Adri, with Nya padding about after her, purring loudly. Even the cat liked me, but Adri was adamant about disliking me. She was offering me two napkins.

"Thank you," I smiled.

She handed them to me and then nudged my shoulder, "hey... I just want to thank you. What you're doing for my mom... It means a lot."

I wiped my hands and mouth and shook my head. Being here was fun; they kind of fitted the role that Gus and my mom were meant to fill.


I did some of my homework and then went on my Facebook. I chatted with a few of my old friends in England. I spent the next few hours being extremely productive- I played video games until my eyes were blurry and I just collapsed onto my bed for a nap.

I returned to Adri's house on Sunday. I cooked Adri and I something whilst her mom swallowed down her soup with extreme difficulty. Mrs Walker was in a lot of pain, but she hid it well. It was only at moments like these, where you could see how much swallowing or eating hurt her tender stomach. Often after a meal, she threw up some bloody vomit.

I didn't understand why such nice people had the worst luck. And I also had some difficulty with Adri. Mrs Walker was such a lovely woman, and Adri had been prepared to leave her poor mother fending cancer by herself? I swallowed the thought away; I didn't know what day to day life was like for Adri.

I couldn't judge her. But I was worried that I was beginning to.


Monday Adri and I arrived at school together. I hooked my arm around her shoulder, which she shrugged off as usual. But it wasn't with her usual force. People were noticing our closeness, how Adri had stopped looking at me with contempt. Nowadays it was just a mild hatred.

Ah. The joys of teenage love.

I said goodbye to Adri and walked to my locker. Carl was standing there, tapping against the next locker with his knuckles. I sighed as I prepared myself for another long, boring lecture and another warning to leave Adri alone before he and his football buddies beat me up.

"I'm not in the mood," I told him and put the code into my locker.

"No, Eli, I'm sorry... You're actually nicer than I gave you credit for. Just... Look after her better than I did, ok?"

I stiffened and looked at him. He seemed to be completely sincere, his brown eyes burning brightly into mine. He was obviously nervous or agitated, his jaw clenching and unclenching. I realized he wanted to make genuine amends.

I leaned in close, "is this the part where we hug and kiss? 'Cause I gotta tell you, you have to buy me dinner first."

He punched my shoulder, laughing. I broke into a grin as well and then we shook hands. All was done and forgiven. In that moment I was glad I was a guy... Chicks made everything so over dramatic. They had to hug and cry and scream and then put it on Facebook and then finally, they were best friends once more. With guys, a few incoherent mumbles and a handshake and your friendship was on solid ground.


As I arrived back home, I saw Joy was nervously awaiting me.

Her cheeks were bright red, and she was twisting her hands as if wringing an invisible tea towel. I raised my brows and went to sit next to her. Joy jumped as I did, and as I reached out my hand to try and steady her, she leapt off the stool.


"Joy," I mimicked her serious tone, pulling my brows together and putting my hands on my hips and puffing out my chest.

Joy rolled her eyes, but I saw her tense shoulders sag a little in relaxation. Jokes always set people at ease. I wondered if she had done something really bad and wanted me to bail her out. To be honest, I would. After all, I had done it so many times before with Gus. Gus had always relied on me to solve his problems. To be his confidant basically, and to solve his problems for him.

"I, uh, told you a few weeks back... About this boy."

I nodded, remembering a vague tale of some popular preteen who had my stepsisters heart broken in misery.

"Well, I sort of lied. This boy... Is older than me," Joy whispered, twirling her hair around her finger.

I stood up immediately, grabbing hold of her shoulders. "Did someone take advantage of you? Who was it, Joy? I swear to god if they hurt you... I'll beat them to the pulp!"

Joy pried off my fingers and shook her head. She once again put space between us as she leant against the door.

"No, he actually helped me. He made me become confident. And he's sweet, and he's so good looking," Joy told me, her eyes getting dreamy.

I rolled my eyes. How dreamy could you be at fourteen?

"And uh, he's .... I, uh, like him."

"Spill the beans, Joy. Who is it?"

She took a deep breath and met my eyes for the first time since I entered the room, "he is... You."

I started to laugh and until I realized she was dead serious.

My little stepsister had a crush on me... Oh the joys of life. No pun intended.


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