Step Thirteen: You Get Advice

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Two long scars, from her wrists to elbows laid a trail on her thin arms. They were jagged and pale, contrasting with the tan, harsh bright lights. There was something infinitely wrong about them, because people weren't meant to destruct themselves like that.

"You tried to kill yourself," I whispered, as the realization dawned on me.

What a terrible thought that you could hate yourself so much. I looked at Adri, who was staring down at her arms with an odd smile. I couldn't even fathom why she would do that to herself... She was so beautiful, so witty and smart. There was nothing to hate.

"You don't even know me," she told me.

"I know you well enough to know that you don't deserve -"

She stood up before I could finish, shaking her head angrily. I could see rage building up in her eyes, her shoulders taunt and her hands shaking.

"Don't you dare say I don't deserve something until you have lived inside of my head. I am filled with poison!" She screamed.

The empty hallways echoed the cry and people started to come out of their classrooms, looking oddly at her. Adri was crying, pulling at her hair. I tried to reach out to her but she recoiled away from me, as if I would burn her.

She ran outside, disappearing from view.


I left the school at the end of school, unable to think properly. I couldn't understand Adri, I couldn't fathom why she would cut open her skin and bleed out. Chewing my lip I arrived at home and I saw Joy eating a salad at the counter.

"Hey," I said listlessly, sitting down next to her.

Joy nodded at me and smiled, brushing her hair behind her ears, "why so glum?"

I shrugged. I couldn't exactly tell her what was wrong; that Adri was filled with a loathing I hadn't even consider to be possible. Joy looked at me, trying to convince me to her, elbowing me jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and stared at my hands, "Joy. I can't tell you."

"Is this about that chick you're bananas for?" She asked sharply.

I laughed loudly and Joy put a hand on her hip, looking like a younger, sassier Brandi.

"Seriously? Bananas?"

Joy blushed but giggled as well, "I'm improvising, ok?"

"Okay well," I relented, "it is about the girl I fancy."

Joy bit her lip and looked at her glossy pink nails. We sat in silence for a few moments, listening to the distant singing of Brandi in the shower. If I wasn't mistaken, it was something along the lines of Britney Spears. Brandi was really getting into it, and her voice was surprisingly deep for a woman. She'd put Morgan Freeman to shame, I thought and shook my head with a smile.

"Well, if you adore her so much... Why don't you just tell her?"

"I tried! She's obsessed with hating me and making her hate me," I growled in annoyance, my hands clenched.

"I doubt it. I mean have you seen yourself?" Joy laughed.

I frowned at her, not understand. Joy turned a dark red, and I started to get a clue of what she was saying.

"Oh you mean I'm attractive?" I laughed.

Joy started to shake her head, backtracking so fast I could barely hear what she saying. It was all a mixed up jumble and she was scrambling to get out of the room. I started to laugh like crazy, and then grabbed her and flung her over my shoulder.

Joy squealed and thumped my back, flinging her fists against my back. I swung her round, and she let out a happy laugh. I finally sat her back down at the kitchen counter, and we both laughed, breathless.

The kitchen door was thrown open and in ran Brandi, her hair wet and dressed in only a towel. Immediately me and Joy covered our eyes and let out a yell of complaint. I didn't need to see a middle aged woman in a towel thank you very much. I preferred them younger and without children!

"Oh my goodness, you two scared me! Don't scream like that Joy!" Brandi scolded me loudly.

"We were just messing about, oh my god mom. Is it really necessary to run downstairs half naked?" Joy retorted.

I snorted, amused and that was when I realized that Brandi and Joy were my family. Sure I wasn't biologically related to them, but who cared? Brandi was very annoying, but she was kind. Joy was actually pretty funny when I made the effort to get to know her. In all honesty, I preferred their warm, slightly intrusive affection to my mothers cold shoulder. I smiled at them and they smiled back.

I was going to play some stress relieving video games, when someone grabbed onto my arm and swung me round. Brandi stood in front of me, still in her towel. I carefully kept my eyes trained on her face.

"Let me give you some advice, sugar... I know you're head over heels with Adrienne Walker. So how about instead of treating her like she needs to be fixed, you treat her the way she needs to be."

"She needs to be fixed," I frowned.

"She needs to be loved. There's a difference."


So sorry for the long wait, I love you all and please leave a comment and a vote, as they truly make my day.

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