Step Thirty-Two: Sunday

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It happened on Saturday, at nine pm. I had been hanging out with Ingrid, after looking for a birthday present for Carl.

There was a cool breeze lifting up leaves and dropping them a few paces further. It was dark and cold, but it was really calming. My phone sat between us, lighting up the bench we sat on. We were laughing about Naomi's new boyfriend: a wannabe rapper who didn't know any rhymes other than 'the cat sat on the mat'. I remarked he did have more talent than lil Wayne though.

"You know, Eli, I forgot how awesome you are," Ingrid grinned, flashing her white teeth.

I laughed, running my fingers through my blonde hair, "it's all in the smile."

"Remember how I jumped you the first party you went to?" She giggled, punching my shoulder lightly, "you make girls into jello."

"You were more like a leech," I teased, popping a piece of gum in my mouth.

Her jaw dropped, eyes widened. I wiggled my eyebrows at her, a small smirk pulling my lips upward. She rolled her eyes after a moment, settling down against the bench and putting her head on my shoulder.

"You're such a dick," she told me.

"I know, I'm sorry," I said - and I meant it. I knew my comments were hurtful and out of line sometimes and I needed to filter myself more. I was trying to, and not just for Adri anymore. Also for myself, so I could like me.

"I'm glad I jumped you at that party, Eli, because otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to know Carl. And I love him so much," she confessed, her voice growing all dreamy and sweet.

"I thought you were a freak when you tried to get with me," I admitted, "and I was worried for Carls mental health... But I was totally wrong, you're awesome. And you're even more awesome together."

"So you can be sweet! I always wanted to know," Ingrid teased.

I was glad we could be so comfortable around each other. I had a good friend in Ingrid. I hoped that she and Carl would last; I didn't wanted to choose between them. As much as their PDA annoyed me, they were good people. Even with their little faults. I supposed everyone had negative qualities but it was whether, despite of these, they had a good heart which made them worth it.

We sat there, enjoying the darkness of the night and the comfortable sound of each other's breathing. The best kind of friendship was where you could sit in silence, being quiet and thoughtful and still enjoy each other's company.

Then the phone rang. A shrill sound which pierced the night, bringing nothing but sadness with it. In surprise, I noted it was Adri who was calling.

I jolted up to my feet, accidentally making Ingrid bang her head on the bench. I snatched the phone up, taking the light with me. I answered, trying to sound cool and collected.

"What's up?"

"It's... Oh god, Eli come to the hospital quick," Adri was crying, her voice in panted little gasps.

I didn't need to know more. Ms Walker. I hung up immediately and took three calming breaths. I needed to sty calm or I wouldn't be able to drive. I needed to be calm. But Ms Walker... Oh god, oh god what if she was dead? How bad was it? I hadn't even gotten to say goodbye! My breathing started to become rapid, shallow panting. I couldn't get enough air into my lungs; not when Ms Walker couldn't either.

"Eli?" Ingrid was standing in front of me, her plucked eyebrows drawing together in concern.

I sank to my knees, clutching onto my blonde hair which I had bragged about earlier. It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair. Ms Walker deserved to live more than anyone else I knew, she was kind and she was a good person.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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