I don't own Divergent or the characters. All of it is Veronica Roth's.

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Chapter 2

Our fights go well. I am second still, though, at the end of stage one. A boy named Dan is like an ox. He is huge and strong and solid, but unnaturally fast. He can take several punches before even flinching. He is like lightning on his feet and can catch even the fastest, most slippery initiate. He beat me in seconds.

So far, I have not really talked to any of my fellow initiates. Tris is suspicious of me since I have so many bruises and since I never talk to anyone. I am well practiced at making excuses for my injuries. In Dauntless it is easy. I was doing a dare. I got in a fight. I slipped and fell.

Even though Dan beat me in seconds, Eric's beating lasts much longer. I knew it was coming, but I was unprepared for the force with which his anger pelts me. It was the longest beating yet and he was unafraid of injuring me, since the physical portion is over. Eric holds on to me as he rains punches down on my head and torso. His grip leaves a handprint bruise on my arm. Eventually, I end up on the floor in front of him. All I can do is sob as he kicks me again and again. He is yelling, but I can't hear anything over my own pain. There is a crack, as white fire streaks across my chest. Another crack, and Eric stops. His breath is heavy, as he leaves.

I lay in a ball on Eric's floor, pain engulfing my entire body. I know that I need to move. If I'm still here when Eric returns, he will start hitting me again. For some reason, I am still conscious. I sit up. The pain makes me cry out. I bite my lip. Quietly, now. I stand, every movement causes me unimaginable pain. Each step back to the dorm is hell. I make it somehow. I am too sore to undress, so I carefully lay down.

I can't sleep. I am in too much pain. By midnight, pillow is soaked in tears. I must be silent. After another hour, the pain is too great. I sob quietly. The sob grows in volume, until the entire dorm is awake. The girl in the next bunk over kneels next to my bed. Everyone is watching. Someone turned on the lights.

"What's going on here?" Tris and Four have arrived. Everyone turns back to me. I can't speak through the pain. Even breathing hurts. Tris comes over and pulls back my covers. She gently pulls my t-shirt up to expose my ribs. The skin is caving in around my left side. It is purple, red and blue. Eric finally broke me.

In the hospital, I beg everyone I meet to not tell Eric, at least for now. They only understand part of my fear, though. They think that I don't want to risk being cut due to injury. When the nurses are done examining me, Four and Tris ask me what happened. I tell them that I just was doing a dare, when I fell. Tris scoffs and tells me that she knows that I don't mess around with the other initiates, so I tell them that I was in a fight. Four asks if I'm in fights everyday. I say no, wondering what prompted that question.

"Well, I've seen your bruises. Even on the first day, before fights, you had a lot of bruises."

"I am just always in fights." I can't tell them for some reason. Maybe I am crazy, but telling them just seems impossible. Deep down, I think that some twisted part of me wants to please Eric. He is my father, and even though he did this to me I can't completely hate him. Tris and Four don't believe my excuse, but I offer no other explination.

When the nurse comes back, she tells me that I've broken two ribs and have a minor concussion. She hands Tris the clipboard with my information on it.

"Thanks, Christina." Tris smiles at her. She turns back to me and sighs.

"What do you want to do?" She seems uncertain.

"You can't tell him." I plead, terrified.

Four nods, and says. "Do you want to continue initiation?"

"I have to. I have to become leadership." They both nod.

The next morning, I see Four talking quietly to Eric. My heart begins to race as I worry that Four has broken his promise. They both glance over at me and I look away. My nerves are fried and I can't concentrate. If Eric knew that I am pretty badly injured, he would probably toss me off the path to the control center.

When breakfast is almost over, a hand on my shoulder makes me jump. Eric is standing behind me.

"I hear that you had a little accident." His eyes don't convey any anger. "You had better take it easy." He walks away. I have the day off, so I decide to go back to the dorm. When I get there, the girl who tried to comfort me last night, is sitting on her bunk. Even with the pain medication, it still hurts to walk. When I enter, she jumps up and walks over.

"Hey, I was worried about you. Are you alright?"

I am unused to having anyone care about me. "Um... Yeah."

"Oh thank goodness. My name's Rose. This is my brother Reese." She motions to a boy sitting on the opposite bunk. The two look extremely similar.

"I'm Melanie or just Mel." I think that I remember the twin's names. They were ranked 6 and 7

It turns out that Rose is a really friendly girl from Candor. She doesn't display any of the Candor tactlessness, though. I like her, but I still feel separated from her like there is a curtain between us. She tells me how she watches me sit alone everyday, and always feels bad, but doesn't know what to do. She asks me to sit with her at lunch today. I accept, feeling hopeful that maybe I will have someone to be friends with finally. She asks me why I never am in the dormitory in the evenings, and I consider telling her about Eric, but then I just mutter a lame excuse about private walks. She is ex-Candor, so I know that she sees through my lie, but I am not ready to tell anyone yet. Besides if people knew about Eric, then everyone would know what a coward I am.

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