I wish that I owned Divergent. I don't.

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Chapter 9

Wow. It is hard for my mind to comprehend. Eric is gone. Gone. I am a free elf! Wait what? Must be the painkillers. Oh well. I'm sleepy...

When I wake up again, Tris is still there.

"So, I know that this is a lot to take in, but, Four and I would like it if you would be the ambassador to the factions. We think that you would be great, and it would be less high impact then the other positions." she stares pointedly at my oxygen tank. I smile.

"I would really like that." Things are looking up.

I get out of the hospital a week later. The Erudite came up with a sort of backpack to hold my tank, so I can still move around. Well, mostly. They told me not to run, but I will have to break that rule to board the trains. If I can't even hop on a train, then Dauntless is going to be impossible. The fact that Tobias and Tris are even letting me back in is a miracle.

When I get back to the compound, a sense of euphoria hits me. I am back where I belong. I hurry along the hallways until I reach Tris' office.

"Hey, Tris."

"Hey, Mel. What's up?"

"Well, I was thinking that maybe there would be a way for me to be able to move better. With some practice, maybe I could get active again."

"Hmm, maybe. Here go to the infirmary and ask for Christina. She can tell you what to do."

"Thanks, Tris!" I power walk down to the infirmary.

When I get there and meet Christina. She hugs me tightly. I am unsure of what to do, so I stand like a stick and wait for her to let go. She seems unfazed by my non-movement.

"Hi, so what can I do for the legendary Dauntless Prodigy?"


"You, silly. Everyone knows how you only have one fear and all of that. You are pretty much elite now. Well, except for Tanky there." she points to my oxygen backpack.

"Actually, that is what I was coming to ask about. I want to know if I could still be active, and slowly work up to being sorta normal. You know, running, jumping, zip lining."

"Hmm, I think if you take it slow and work out just a little, you might be able to improve. Not to full standard, but close. Just increase your oxygen flow before you work out."

"Thanks, Christina." I hug her before walking out.

~A Month Later~

Today is my first ambassador meeting. They are all coming here, so YAY! I've been working out, and with increased oxygen, and these Erudite pills, I have been able to resume a fairly normal Dauntless lifestyle.

I dress carefully today. I want to represent Dauntless, but not offend the Stiffs. In the end, I choose black jeans, a red tank top, leather jacket, and combat boots. I also wear my weapons belt and put a beautiful silver knife in my boot. Always prepared. Gun. Knife. Fists. Heck yeah!

I arrive early for the meeting, so I sit an wait. I am twirling my knife when the others walk in. The Amity look horrified, the Erudite unsurprised, the Candor curious, and the Abnegation just don't. I sheathe my knife and stand up.

"Ok, let's start this meeting off."

"What makes you qualified? You can't be older than 16. Just a girl." The smart ass Erudite. Grrr.

"I was ranked first, for your information. I only have one fear. I am more qualified than any other Dauntless, so BITE ME." I grin at their expressions. "Now, the subject of this meeting is peace between Erudite and Abnegation."

"They should tell each other why there is conflict." the candor says.

"They are giving away our goods to the factionless." The Erudite all but whines.

"We must help them." The Abnegation speaks quietly.

"How about reducing the amount of Factionless. Then the Erudite can have more goods and the Abnegation can still be Giving Trees." I suggest.

"How would we reduce the Factionless?" the Amity questions.

"Let children under 16 take the test or join a faction. Each faction can only cut 5 people each year. The rest have to be put to work as cleaners or something. When factionless reach 21, they can have the choice to take the Death serum. It would be painless, but only if they choose to."

"I agree." They all say.

"Ok, then it is settled. Abnegation, can you round up the factionless kids and get them set up?"

"Yes, of course."

"Good. Erudite, please set up a system for the Death serum thing."

"Will do."

"Thank you everyone. Session adjourned." They all leave, satisfied.

Tris congratulates me on making peace.

"You were great."

"Thanks. I was wondering if I could run initiation this year. It's in a few weeks." I smile

"If you are sure you're up to it, then that's fine."

"Cool thanks." I walk away happily. Just one more thing. I want to see if my fear landscape has changed. Eric is no longer a threat, so...

I head up to the room and run into Tobias.

"Hey, I was just about to go in. Would you bear witness?"

"Sure." He injects me and hooks himself up, so that he can watch the actual sim.

I walk into the room and wait for the scenery to fade. It does, then black. Then, I am back. What happened? Why didn't it work? I walk out and look at Tobias.

"I can't believe it."

"What happened?"

"The program can't register any fears. You are officially fearless." He smiles. "Come on." He drags me towards the dining hall.

What? My brain can't compute. No fears? That's impossible. Well, not impossible, I guess.

We reach the dining hall and Four jumps up onto a table. Reletive quiet falls on the entirety of Dauntless.

"Listen up. I have discovered the true Dauntless. This girl here DOESN'T HAVE ANY FEARS!!!" the crowd erupts. People swarm me, slapping my back and complimenting me. I am practically glowing in pride. This is where I belong. No matter my past, I have this spectacular now, and a promising future. I am on a roller coaster that only goes up.

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