Chapter One - Acceptence.

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Chapter 1.

I was sitting on the bench outside of the school listening to my favourite band Skillet while waiting for my friend Kyrah to come out of class so we could walk home when suddenly my brother walks up and yanks my earphones out.

"What's this I hear about you sleeping with Trent, I told you to stay away from him, didn't I?" He yells at the top of his lungs.

I laughed out loud "So that's why everyone was staring at me when I walked into school this morning" I replied putting one of my earphones back in.

"You promised me, Emmalee! You promised me!" he snarled.

"What-F**KING-ever, I didn't promise you anything, its not like you actually care about me, it's only your reputation at stake!" I yelled at his face.

My brother's apparently alright looking, I suppose. He has shady blue eyes and blonde hair that reaches his ears that flicks out everywhere. He's taller then me and a pretty fit build, no wonder all the girls go for him. Wait! Yuck, he's my brother. I don't see how anyone can think he's good looking.

He walked off into the parking lot with his girlfriend hanging on to his pocket. Damn I didn't even see the blonde bitch until then, maybe I could have yelled at her too.

Okay, so now you've met the ' hotshot, superstar of the school ' the one and only Jake Mitchell, my lame brother and the blonde bitch I referred to is Paige, she use to be my best friend, until she became ' popular ' and started dating my brother. I swear she just used me to get to him. Oh well she'll get what's coming. So.

My names Emmalee, if you already didn't know. I'm your average 16 year old; music is my life, a long with art and fashion. I have platinum blonde hair down to my ribs with bright blue eyes. I have a nice figure, and I work my but off to keep it this way. My mother isn't that rich, but she goes out of her way to make it look like we are. Not that I care what anyone thinks of me.

But enough about me, lets get on with this story.

I could see Kyrah coming out of the front entrance to the school now, so I walked over to meet her so we could walk home together seeing she lived next door.

"Hey Kyrah, I was just waiting for you" She suddenly stopped as if she seen a ghost.

"Oh shit! There you are, I just got told about your fight with Jake, in front of most of the school, what's his problem now?" she said with a worried look.

" Ehh, Nothing, just being a shitty brother. I suppose world war three will happen when I get home and find Paige in my house"

Kyrah just laughed and said " Yeah "


We were getting close to home now when I could hear my brother's awful music playing loudly from up the street. Kyrah and I had the same interest in music so we both burst out laughing at what my brother had playing. There was something worse then him playing his pathetic music, was the reason why he is playing it. Yes, you guessed it; he's in his room with his girlfriend blaring music. Pretty much says it all doesn't it.

Well that's easily fixed, I said goodbye to Kyrah as I walked past her house to go into mine.

I went to walk off the pavement to my front door when I heard the sound of his car, the one car I can pinpoint the exact sound, my body stiffened, I always have this reaction with him though.

"Hey there, baby" Trent calls from his car.

"Oh, so today I'm allowed to see you because she's at work tonight right?" I said with attitude in my voice.

Trent was absolutely gorgeous the type of guy you don't take home to mother because she'd end up stealing him away. Trent's only 3 years older then me, with brown and blonde hair, in a wispy mohawk kind of way. He has tattoo's up and down his arms, the brightest, bluest eyes, I've ever seen, and a smile that you instantly fall head over heals for. He has his eyebrow pierced and always is wearing his favourite black sunglasses.

Trent spoke pulling me out of my thoughts "Baby, your only allowed to see me when I want to see you"

That cocky attitude annoyed the hell out of me.

"Oh, so now it's when you want, whatever, how many times have I told you lately to leave me alone?" I replied with a snarl in my tone.

Just at the second Jake starts yelling out the window

"Get your junkie arse out of my sight before I beat the crap out of you, and stay away from my sister you insane cockhead!"

Well since I'm already mad at my brother lets make it a little worse.

"Hey Jake?" I yell so that he can hear me.

"Yes? Get inside! I don't want you near him!" he yelled back

I laughed loud and yelled back "Don't wait up, I'll be out late!" and ran towards Trent's car and got in.

We sped off up the street

Trent's sound system drowned out the pathetic music of my brother's.

I couldn't help but smile, everyone always stared at me while I was with Trent.

Probably because of how hot he was, or the fact that everyone knew he was out of my league.

We drove back to Trent's house. Without hesitation I jumped out of his car and ran for the door.

"Hey baby! Get back here you owe me something" Trent yelled after me. I laughed and kept running.

I heard the beep which means Trent locked his car, I went running into his bedroom to hide.

NExt minute I was being tackled to the bed.

"Heyy! That's cheating" I whinged.

"Well, you should no better then to run from me!" he chuckled.

He had me pinned to the bed. My arms above my head and his legs holding mine down.

I tried to wriggle free but it didn't work, Trent just kept laughing at me.

It wasn't long before his lips were locked to mine. I couldn't help but kiss back. For some reason he has this affect on me. I always give into him and I hate it. He pulled back and hopped off me, I stayed laying there caught in my thoughts. As Trent left the room.

Its not that I like him or anything it's more the fact that he's the only one who actually shows me the affection I like. All the boys at school are stuck up and annoying, While Trent's.. Ummm, Trent.

I don't think he likes me, I mean he has a girlfriend, not that I've ever met her before. I've been technically ' seeing ' Trent for like 3 months. There's no way I'd ever be with him, I mean if he can do this with me, when he has a girlfriend. What's stopping him from doing it to me if we end up together.

Trent and I usually hang out, watch some movies, talk and then go to the bedroom and have a little more fun. I don't know why I do it, but it keeps us both happy.

Trent walked back in, and I remembered where I was. Shaking my head to bring me back to now.

I looked at him sideways and smiled. He walked over and picked me up and carried me out to the lounge room and dropped me on the couch. I couldn't help but laugh the whole time.

Teenage TragedyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora