Chapter Five - Where Am I

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Chapter 5.

I gotten woken up by a crack across my face. My cheek started throbbing. That hurt! My eyes shot open and I looked up to see my brother standing over me looking at me with a big grin on my face.

"Jake! That hurt you fuckhead!" I snarled.

"Emmalee, you deserved it!" He said back chuckling.

"Jake, how the hell did I deserve that?" I said angrily.

Suddenly his grin was gone. he shot back" I told you not to go with him, now look where you are! This is your entire fault!"

The tears started to well up again but I pulled them back and looked straight at Jake.

"You can't blame me for something I didn't do! How did I know he was going to do this to me? I can't predict the future idiot. Now get me out of this hospital and take me

home I don't want to be here! "He laughed" Emmalee, you're not allowed to leave. And this isn't a hospital. This is a mental asylum. You were admitted for trying to suicide with a drug overdose."

I let out a high pitch scream that could of shattered glass. This time the tears just flowed straight out. I looked at Jake with watery eyes

"Jake. I didn't take any drugs, I don't even remember what happened; Tell me what's happening please? I sobbed.

Jake looked at me like he usually did when he knew I was telling the truth. I may get annoyed at my brother and we may fight and I may purposely piss him off. But I loved him and he meant allot to me. Jake opened his mouth but closed it again.

"Jake, Please. I'm begging you. Help me. "I shot out trying not to sound too scared." Em, there's nothing I can do for you. You need to talk to the Police and find out what happened. This isn't up to me. I'm sorry "he said in a soothing voice.

"But Jake, I didn't do anything, I don't understand. Please?"

Jake opened his mouth to reply but there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" Jake said loudly

the door opened with a creek. A man in a blue uniform stepped in.

"Hello, Jake. Emmalee. I am Senior Detective Rhys Cable. I need to ask you a few questions seeing as you're not trying to escape or screaming at your boyfriend"

Wait what boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend!!

"I don't understand Mr Cable. I have no idea who you are talking about. And I don't remember anything. I'm sorry. But I can't help. But maybe you can help me? I have no idea what's going on. But I am looking for my friend and I need to know if he is alive or not. Can you help me please? No one else will." I spluttered out quickly.

"Miss Mitchell. I can't help you until you help me. I need to know exactly what happened after you went home with Mr Valentine "he said calmly.

" I'm sorry but a lot of that is personal. But I can tell you that I woke up at about 8:30pm and went looking for Trent to take me home because my mother would be freaked out. He wouldn't answer me when I called for him. And he wasn't in the house so I checked the bathroom and it was locked. So I found his car keys and unlocked the door and found him on the floor. I called the ambulance and then blacked out. Then I woke up here, three times. And No one has given me any information about where I am and if Trent is alright!" I said firmly.

"Well Miss Mitchell. Mr Valentine is fine. But that doesn't explain why you're in here for a drug overdose. "

" Well Sir. I'm sorry. But I don't take drugs. So I don't know where everyone is getting this crazy ass idea from. Because I sure as hell didn't take fucking anything! Now

give me some answers and I'm sure we could help each other OKAY!?" I yelled back.

"Miss Mitchell I will have to arrest you if you talk to me like that again. I'm sorry but all I am here for is to find out what you knew. I have to go now. Take care"

with that Mr Cable turned around and walked straight back out the door he came in.

"Fucking hell!" I yelled as I turned to look at Jake.

"Emmalee, I have to go. Paige is waiting downstairs for me. I got a call to come and clam you down but the nurse had already put you back to sleep"

"Jake! Your fucking leaving me here just for that bitch you call your girlfriend, Great brother you are. I have no idea where I am or why I'm here other than. Apparently

I tried to kill myself by overdosing and that I'm in a mental asylum. I need you hear for me liek your meant to be. My brother remember?" I said harshly

" I'll just send Zade back in" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Jake, if you send that creep back in, I swear to god, I will find a way out of this place and come and get you! " i said with a serious look on my face.

"Oh Emmalee, you never change, But I have to go, I love you little sister, I will come see you tomorrow "

"Fine! I love you too" I mumbled.

Jake walked out the door and closed it behind him. Well now it sucks to be alone. I needed to find my things but I can't get out. I hit the nurse button. it beeped and flashed red.

A nurse came rushing in. But started walking when she noticed I was okay.

"Excuse me, am I allowed to get out of this bed. I would like to take a walk and go to the toilet please. Oh also can I please have my phone and the rest of my belongings, I need to make an urgent phone call." I asked eagerly.

"I can get you your phone Miss Mitchell, but nothing else. Have you spoken to the Police offer yet? She replied.

"Yes. I did. Mr umm Cable? Now can you please get me out of this bed! "He said with a little anger in my tone

"if you're going to talk to me in that tone then no." she nearly yelled back." Ok I am sorry, but can I please get out of here?" I

She nodded and walked over to unlock the straps the held me to the bed. I thought this time I should ask instead of doing it myself and getting drugged to go back to sleep. The nurse undid all the straps and took the tubes out of my arms and took the sticky pads off my chest so the heart monitor disconnected.

" I'm going to disconnect the drip but leave the canula in your arm okay, because you will need to be hooked back up to it when you get back " she said politely

I just nodded and smiled sweetly. She undid everything and I hoped up off the bed, my feet hit the floor and I collapsed and landed on my arse. The nurse laughed as she walked out the door and returned with my phone while I was having trouble getting up. I stood up and slowly walked towards the nurse who mind you was still laughing at me.

I gave her a sour look and she handed my phone and disappeared out the door.

I walked out of my door walking weirdly, there was like no one in the corridor's. I kept following the signs above my head pointing me in the direction of the exit.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, spun me around and pulled me into a tight kiss. I tried to see who it was but my mind was too indulged in the kiss that they wouldn't focus.

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