Chapter Two// Michael Carter

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"Tell. Me. Everything!"

After yanking me up the stairs, throwing me onto my bed, crossing her legs directly in front of me with her big goofy smile, Lacy awaits my answer.

I have to take a deep breath in order to calm my excitement about being reunited with my best friend since so long- I don't know if I will have enough air to tell everything I have been dying to share with her.

"What do you want to know about first?"

"Everything!" She exclaims, gesturing the air around with big arm motions. "Girl I want to know about the boys, the food, the parties, the alcohol, the social life. All of it."

"What about the classes and the professors?" I rises my eye brow with a smirk, her face mirroring with the shake of her head.

"Ok maybe not everything. But please, what was it like? What was Nathan like?" Her tone alters to her suggesting voice, the way she talks when on the delicate- and complelty private despite she is my best friend- topic of mine and Nathan's love life.

"I guess it's been good."

"Oh come on, give me more than that! The guy is an apsolute sex god, your words not mine." We break out into fits of laughter, Lacy's arms raises in a sarcastic surrender.

Without wanting to admit how great it has been to have Nathan only a few rooms away for the past six months, I try to shield my blush with the drape of my hair covering my face. It has been an experience, I can tell you that.

But Lacy always takes this subject to a whole new level, mentally exaggerating everything I mention about how I spend my time with my boyfriend.

I could say we kissed and she would put words into my mouth as if I had said we made out for hours when it had only been the occasional peck.

"Lets just say I am glad the walls were sound proof, but we spent a lot of time going on these lovely dates Nathan had arranged, like picnics in the park and romantic dinners out. Being in that environment was peaceful, we had no pressure and were just ourselves."

"It sounds so nice Paige, you are so lucky to have him."

"And I'm sure one day you will find yourself your own Nathan."

Nathan had decided to go and visit his family after we had a chat with my mom. Due to the spontaneous aspect of our trip, he hadn't even informed his parents or younger sister that we were coming over to spend the spring with them.

After seeing my mom for so long, him witnessing my tears for the devotion of seeing my mother for after six months without her, it made him realise it would be best to go over and spend the evening with his own family.

"Where all the other girls all over him too?" She cocks an eye brow my way.

"I won't say I am all over him." I use air quotations to mark my point. "Anyway, I wasn't with Nathan all of the time, we were often off in different groups but the girls near him never bothered me. In that setting everyone knows each other well and are very mature."

"Oh, so what are you saying? That I'm not mature?" Lacy crosses her eyes in protest and sticks out her tongue. I do the same and kick her off the bed.

"No, but I am saying that a lot of the people there were stuck up. So you are like a breath of fresh air to be around."

"Yey!" She pulls herself up from the ground, her smile not dented as she grins childishly, showing both rows of teeth. "Did you replace me while at collage or were you just too loyal towards your bestie?" With the swing of her arm around my neck, Lacy throws me into a hug.

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