A/N-- About me-- Also, WARNING!

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I'm a really big Divergent fan, but not a very good writer. This is probably the longest story that I've ever written. I have spent a lot of time reading other stories, and I have a feeling for what is liked, in general. I want to make this story appealing, but I also want to keep it my own. This topic doesn't seem that popular, though, I feel like this is closer to the plot of a Four/Tris POV story, rather then what the title suggests. Most people won't like this, but it was an idea that became a whole story while I was bored on a long car trip. Up to this point, nobody has even read my story, and I have an unfortunate feeling that that won't change anytime soon, so if you are actually reading this, then congrats, you are one of the .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of Wattpad users who have seen this. Your uniqueness rocks! 😝 If anyone starts to read this story, then updates might come with some frequency, but until then they'll be few and far between. So basically, when it's 2:30 in the morning, and I can't sleep.

More about my Divergent Obsession, I have always thought that I would belong in Erudite, but when I took a online test, it told me that I am divergent- equal Erudite, Candor, Dauntless, and Abnegation. Apparently I'm more divergent than Beatrice Prior. That will be incorporated into my story around chapter 6 or so. My main character is based off how I think the strongest, most badass Dauntless would be. I stole some ideas from the original books, so sue me, I guess(what else can I say?). There isn't much trisfour action, because they aren't the main characters.

Btw, warning!
There is some violence and swearing, but nothing super bad. No f word or racial related swearing. I don't like swearing, but sometimes, the story doesn't seem realistic without it. I mean, what kind of bad guy says schnitzel? Sorry if this drives you away, but I'm sure that there's a story out there somewhere for you. I don't mention anything explicit outright, but it nearly happens, so I think that that is all that I need to talk about. Thanks for reading. 😎

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