Part 7: Picture of memory(Edited)

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A/n This part is shorter than I think. Haha. Sorry. But, still i hope you guys can enjoy it. ;)))))))

Special thanks to @jay-I-cee for editing my story

[Peter POV]

My fingers were busy sliding up, down, left and right when Sean greeted me from behind.

"Which level are you?" He asked and sat on the other sofa.

"Oh! You're home already. Did you play this game too?"

"Fredd was the one who forced me into it. And now, he regrets ever making me install this game, because I've overcome his level."

The game that we talked about is, Candy Crush. Ever heard of it? If not, you should install it on your phone, because it is so good to get rid of boredom. But, warning alert! It makes you get addicted to it.

"Here! I bought your favourite Oreo cheesecake." He put a box with a red ribbon wrapped around the box on the coffee table.

"Oreo cheesecake?!! How did you know I love this?" My eyes were sparkling.

"I gave your mother a call and asked her about it."

"What?! You gave my mother a call just for this? That's weird man!" I really started to freak out on his weird attitude.

What kind of person gives my mother a call just to ask about my favourite cake??

In the meantime, I heard him burst a chuckle. And that's when I knew he just clowned about it. "What the hell, man!! I really thought you're a total freak just now." I laugh together with him.

"I still remember you like them, because whenever I went out with Adam, and he saw there's Oreo cheesecake on the menu, he always reminded me that is your favourite." His face changed into a furrowed when he mentioned Adam.

I hate to see him being sad and being swallowed by his old memories with Adam. So, I decided to distract his attention. No! No! I didn't do this out of love for him.

I did this because of my human conscience, Okay.

Don't misunderstand my good intention!!

I opened the box and that cake looked so tempting and mouth-watering. He bought one whole cake!

"This is a lot, Sean! Who's going to finish it?"

"I didn't know how many slices of it can satisfy you, so I just bought a whole of it."

"Are we celebrating something? Why all of sudden you bought me a cake?" I asked.

"Nope! I said it before that I will treat you something for bringing me the file. Remember?"

"I just brought you a file and I got one whole cake in return. Wow! That's a lot to take. How lucky I am."

Right at the moment, Aunt Rossie appeared. "Wow! A cake. Is it already your anniversary?" Asked Aunt Rossie and somehow I felt my face heating up on her comment.

What the heck are you blushing for, Peter???!!!!

I cursed at myself for acting nonsense.

Sean burst out giggling on Aunt Rossie's comment. "Is it too soon for celebrating our anniversary, Aunt Ross?"

Dammit Sean! How come you play along with Aunt Ross' joke , huh?!!

"I guess you both need coffee."

"Yes, sure Aunt Ross. Mine with sugar." Replied Sean.

"Mine with creamer."

With an okay, Aunt Rossie went back into the kitchen to make us coffee. Then, I realized Sean had been gazing at me, making me completely uncomfortable. I'm afraid whether he saw me blushing like a little girl, just now. What would he think about me then??

Arrghh! I no longer recognized my own self, anymore.

Why would my face redden on just a simple comment like that?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I tried to act cool and put on a straight face.

"Nothing! Just that I wonder, do you always drink coffee with creamer?"

"Umm! Y-yeah! Why're you asking?"

"Nothing really. It just reminds me of someone." Once again he makes that contorted face.

Perhaps, that someone is Adam. Yeah! It's him for sure. Adam drinks this type of coffee too. It can't be helped that I always remind him of Adam, since I'm Adam's brother.

Aunt Rossie came back with 2 cups of coffee in her hands. I offered her the cake but she said that she doesn't eat sweet things. Her loss then.

Then, all of a sudden my mind flashed the picture that is hanged in Sean's study room and I can't help but asked him about it.

"Sean... when I went to get your file in the study room...I saw the picture of you and Adam on the wall."

I scanned through his face to see a changed in his expression. "I smell jealousy, here."

He still got nerves to joke around, huh!!!

"F*ck off, Sean! You know that's not what I mean."

He sipped the coffee and seemed to immerse in the taste of it. "That's our pre-wedding picture and it is the only picture left. Before this, this house was full with the picture of me and him. I hung it up by myself 2 weeks before our wedding... I wanted to impress him and to show him, how much I treasure our memories together."

Damn!! If I'm a girl, I might love this guy forever for doing something sweet like this for me.

"Everybody told me to forget him. Sh*t! If I have a mind like a computer, maybe it might have been easy for me to delete everything about him. But, it wasn't like that. It wasn't that simple, you know. Even though, I threw away all of the pictures of him, however the memories that I had with him are still fresh in my mind." He put both of his hands on his temple and facing down.

"Damn!! I still love him so damn much! Even if he no longer feels the same like I do..."

"No! You're wrong! Adam still loves you." I crossed his line.

I spoke based on what Adam had told me the other day, he gave me a call.

Me saying that, made Sean lifting up his face facing me in a second. I saw his eyes turning red and teary.

"How do you know that?" His voice sounded croaky. He was stifling the tears.

How should I answer that? I can't tell him that Adam called me, right? No way I will tell him that.

"Ermm...I just know! Because I know Adam so well. He might be a bastard, but he is not someone who easily forgets the person he loves." I hope that answer is enough to make him believe me.

He ran his fingers through his hair. "Dammit! It was embarrassing to let you see me like this." Once, again he covers his face with his hands looking down.

"It was my fault for bringing this up. I'm sorry, man."

Sh*t!! I'm sure enough, he was crying. What should I do? If this person in front of me is a girl, I would hug her immediately to calm her down. But...

I don't know what got into me that made me slowly walk up to him and sit beside him. Then, I made him face me before pulling him into my embrace. Then, I gently patted his back, to let him know that I was here by his side.

Regardless of his gender, I still want to put this guy at ease!

This is what they call humanity, right?!

[Third person POV]

"Please let these two stay together, until forever." Wished Aunt Rossie who watching them from a far.

A/n Hello dear lovely readers. This is my first boy love storu that I write. It might be not come out good and there's might appear flaws here and there. So, please leave me comments, in hope that i can improve my writing. Tq;))

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