Part 22: Being apart (Edited)

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A/N Hey guys! Here is the new part..and thanks for all the support that you've gave me so far :)) ENJOYED :D

sorry for any grammatical error :p

Special thanks to @jay-l-cee for editing my story


[Peter POV]

Upon my arrival in front of Mike's door, I transferred some of my strength to my knuckles to knock on his door.



After the second knocking, the door in front of me flung open, revealing my friend, Mike.

"Hey! Buddy..." He greeted me with a broad smile on his face and jumped on me for a big hug.

"Glad to see you too...Picasso Jr." I patted his back lightly.

He loosen up from our embrace and chuckled. "That nickname still remember it, huh?!"

"Of course, I do!! I was the one who give it to you, bud!" I chuckled.

"Come on in..." He invited me into his apartment. "Would you like some coffee?"

"Yeah! Sure..."

"Still the same as before, right? With creamer?" He asked before getting into the kitchen.

"Yup! Always with creamer..." I answered him gazing around his apartment. Nothing has changed since the last time I was here. It's just there are a lot of new paintings hung on the wall. As expected from a painter!

Oh! Yea...I still haven't introduced this guy yet! He is Mike Lawrence a.k.a Picasso Jr.(since he is a painter geek) He is a friend...a best friend actually, from high school. Mike, Heather, and I used to hang out together during high school, we were always stuck together and do everything together.

As time passed, we went our separate ways. Only Heather and I are still stuck together since we're attending the same college whereas Mike decided on art school.

That's caused us to rarely have time to hang out together as we used to before.

"Hey...Mike! Are you still attending that art school?" I asked while pacing around the corner in his apartment, a corner was filled with his paintings.

"Yup! I still go to that school...because I still want to be the next Picasso..." He said while handing me a cup of coffee forming a smirk.

"Thanks..." I sipped the coffee. "Are you working on something?" I asked when I saw a drawing paper with sketches.

"Yup! I'm working on an assignment...about nature... "

"Nature, huh?! Where do you get your inspiration?! When all you have as your view is the tall buildings, loud vehicles, and pollution?!" I made a comment while peering out of the window.

"Nah...actually this view inspires me! My drawing will be about 'The Nature that has been discriminated by modernization'." He said while picturing the title of his presentation.

"That's genius, man!!"

"Yeah! I hope my Prof will like it too..."

"I'm sure he will give you the "A" mark!" I tried to boost his spirit.

And he just giggles.

"Enough about about you and Sean? Did you guys fight over something or what?! That you ended up crashing at my place tonight?" He obviously can read through me crystal clearly. As expected from my best friend.

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