Chapter 5

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                It has been 3 weeks since my Birthday, and nothing has really been out of the ordinary. Regular six classes, regular kids, regular everything, but today just seams I don't know... different. I don't know what it is, but it just seems like everything around me is loud and everything smells weird. I told Wolf about it, hoping it wasn't just me, but he didn't seem to notice any of these things. He just said it might be my hormones getting used to being old and laughed.

                I got to sixth period and all of a sudden I heard this ear blistering noise, and I literally ran out of the room and into the girl's bathroom and stayed there all sixth period because my ears would never stop ringing and the final bell ringing didn't help my ears either. I got outside and saw Wolf running towards me.

                "Hey, what happened to you during sixth period? I saw you running out the door and you didn't come back to class", Wolf said.

                "Oh yea sorry about that, just I heard this noise and it really hurt my ears, in fact they are still ringing", I said.

                "Wow you got some weird stuff going on with you, you know that Shay", Wolf said laughing.

                "Ha-ha, very funny, I would like to see you hear a sound like that and see how you feel", I said.

                "Nah, I'll pass, I don't want weird things happening to me too”, Wolf said smiling.

                "I got to go sorry Wolf, I feel really bad right now so I am going to go home and rest. I guess I will see you tomorrow?", I asked.

                "Yea see you tomorrow", Wolf said frowning.

                I headed home. I sighed, I thought about putting my headphones on and listen to music but it just might hurt my ears more. Stupid sound for hurting my head and for making me let Wolf down, and not being able to listen to music.

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