Chapter 7

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                I woke up the next morning and my gums felt like they were on fire! I ran into my bathroom and looked at them and all of my teeth were really sharp, long, and they were bleeding a little bit. I was freaking out because I didn't know what to do or what was happening to me! I ran down stairs and looked for my mom and didn't see her, and then I called her but she didn't answer her phone, of course, so I thought about calling Wolf but decided not to because he might just say I was a freak. So I decided to stay home and try figuring things out myself by looking things up on the computer.

                I grabbed the computer and turned it on and when I did I noticed something black on the palm of my hand, I turned my hand over and looked at my palm I saw a black design on my arm. The design looked like a tribal tattoo that guys usually get tattooed onto themselves. I shook my head not believing what I was seeing. I mean how in the world did I get a tribal tattoo without even knowing it!

                I went on Google and searched "Hearing, smelling, teeth growing problems and a tattoo appearing on you out of nowhere" and only saw things about people losing their hearing and smelling, flat out nothing for teeth growing, and also flat out nothing on a tattoo appearing out of nowhere either. So I searched something else, "turned 16 and weird things start happening to me" and found, When you turn 16 and things like your hearing sharpens up a lot where you can here miles away, and you can smell things miles away as well, your sight enhances a lot and you can see things other people can't see and you can see in the dark as if it is bright as day, and your teeth are as sharp as knives. This most likely means someone in your family is not like what you thought they were, they’re not... human, they are something that the world fears the most... the unnatural species.

                The unnatural species are "people" that can turn into wolves. Every so often a couple generations of the unnatural bloodline one of the offspring's will inherit the gene to become an unnatural.

                I still didn’t finding anything out about the tattoo but I didn’t care about that at the moment. I started freaking out because I didn't know what an unnatural species was and I don't think I want to know. My mouth still hurt a lot so I got some pain medicine, and it helped a tiny bit. I didn't know what I was going to tell my mom, I can't just say "hey mom I looked up on the internet that when some people turn 16 they are an unnatural species, and I happen to be one, see my sharp teeth." She would freak out and probably run out of the house and never come back. So that's out of the question. So I finally decided to just call Wolf.

                *ring ring ring*

                "Hello", Wolf said.

                "Hey Wolf, its Shay", I said in a low voice.

                "Shay are you ok? You don't sound to good", Wolf said worriedly.

                "I'm sort of fine. Can you come over to my house real quick? I need to show you something", I said.

                "Sure I will be over there as fast as I can", Wolf said and hung up.

                A couple of minutes later Wolf knocked on my door and I let him in.

                "Ok what did you want to show me?", Wolf asked.

                Hesitantly I opened my mouth and pointed at my sharp teeth, and Wolf looked at them calmly. Then he walked up closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

                "I always known you would become an unnatural Shay. Welcome to the Nightside Pack", Wolf said smiling, then he grabbed my hand that had the tattoo on it and he looked at it confusingly and asked me “when did you get that tattoo?”

                "What do you mean you always known I was an unnatural... thing.", I asked him nervously.

                "Just the way you act gives it away; curious, always wanting to be outside, and like to challenge people; which is actually the way the Alpha Female usually acts before she turns 16… but there is something different about you… something that no other unnatural has ever experienced.

                “I don’t care if I am different from other unnaturals, I don’t want to be an unnatural. So why me; why have you chosen me to become an unnatural?

                "I didn’t choose this life for you Shay. It’s because your fathers, father was the Elder wolf of our pack, so that's why you are an unnatural. Why you are a possible Alpha I don't know", Wolf said.

                "I still don't quite understand", I said confused.

                Wolf sighed, "you are now an unnatural, a person who can transform into a wolf", Wolf said.

                "What if I don't want to be an unnatural", I said.

                "You don't have a choice Shay. You are born this way", Wolf said irritatedly.

                "So what if I don't want to join your pack. What if I want to be a lone wolf", I said.

                "Your poor mom would pay the price if you did such a thing Shay", Wolf said.

                "What did you do to my mom", I asked feeling every muscle in my body grow and become as hard as stone.

                "Calm down, she's fine... unless you happen to make the wrong choice and become a lone wolf", Wolf said.

                "Why is it so important for me to become a part of your pack", I asked still mad.

                "Because it is dangerous Shay; once someone turns 16 they are followed by unnatural hunters until they turn 17, unless they show signs that they are an unnatural, and if they do show signs they will be eliminated. Whether they have proof or not they that are a unnatural", Wolf said.

                "What's so bad about being an unnatural", I asked.

                "Because humans don't like what they don't understand", Wolf said.

                "Ok. So back to where is my mom part of this, if I join your pack you will let my mom go right?", I asked.

                "Correct", Wolf said smiling.

                "Ok... I will join your pack", I whispered.

                "Good girl Shay", Wolf said.

                "One more question Wolf", I said.

                "What's that Shay", Wolf said.

                "Is that the reason you called yourself Wolf? Because that is what you turn into?", I asked.

                "You catch on fast Shay", Wolf said smiling at me and walked to the door and opened it and turned back towards me. "Oh and one last thing you should know Shay, you can't live with your human family any longer, you must live with your unnatural family now. So come to my house when you are ready, and when you get there I will let your mom go and you will follow me to your new home", Wolf said and walked out the door and closed quietly.

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