Chapter 9

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                Fifteen minutes later we pulled up to a gigantic house, with at least twenty bedrooms just on the front of the house.

                "Let's go and I will show you your room", Wolf said getting out of the car and walking towards the house.

                I got out of the car and followed Wolf towards the house wondering how many people lived here that was like her.

                "Wolf, how many other people live here are like us”, I asked.

                Wolf laughed, "Everyone here is like us, this is where our whole pack lives", Wolf said smiling.

                "Really, everyone here is like us? I thought it was rare to become an unnatural species", I said.

                "It is. There are billions of people, but maybe couple hundred thousand of us, big difference", Wolf said.

                "Wow, I never knew there were so many unnaturals", I said, then I whispered, “I actually didn’t even know that unnaturals even existed.”

                Wolf laughed, and started walking up the circular staircase, and I continued to follow him, and started getting dizzy after the sixth turn we made, and finally we reached the top of the house. Then we walked to the end of the hall way and into the very last room, "this will be our room", Wolf said.

                There were 2 separate beds, one had black covers with cyan blue sheets under it, and the other one had camouflage covers with brown sheets under it. The walls were a plain white with no design on them and the carpet was also a plain white. The closet was a tannish color, and had leather clothes in it.

                "What's up with all the leather clothes", I asked Wolf.

                "They have more protection than regular clothes do", Wolf said.

                "Why do we need protection from clothes", I asked.

                "From the unnatural hunters, they use ninja stars, blow darts, and etc. The leather will keep it from hurting us as much", Wolf said.

                I nodded, "smart idea", I said.

                Wolf chuckled, "yup after generations of being hunted our ancestors had to think of something to help defend themselves against them", Wolf said.

                I walked to the black and cyan bed and sat on it. Wolf walked towards me and sat beside me.

                "I'm sorry about what I did to your mom today Shay, it was the only way I knew of to get you to come with me so I could protect you", Wolf said apologetically.

                "It’s ok, I understand", I said, and laid down sideways on the bed. "I probably would have done the same thing to you", I said.

                "If you did the same thing to me that I did to you, I would have probably hurt you", Wolf said laughing.

                "I probably would have hurt you earlier if I wasn't freaking about having sharp teeth that were bleeding", I said.

                "True. So back to being at your new home, what do you want to do here first? Learn about yourself and our kind, meet people, or anything like that?" Wolf asked.

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