Chapter 10

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In the morning, sleep still took over me. I wanted too sleep all day long, but I couldn't, I had to take care of my sisters'. Of course, they are old enough too take care of themselves, but they depend on me for certain things. As the mature sister, and Empress, I must help no matter what. Walking down the stairs, I spotted my sisters at the table eating, Nema waved and patted a chair with her hand motioning for me to sit with her.

Nema: Didn't sleep well?

Me: Hm? Oh, yeah.

Alice: You know, you can just take the day off and rest?

Me: No.

They all looked at me concerned as always, I just picked at my breakfast and tried to think of a lie so they wouldn't ask a hundred and one questions on why I'm tired.

Me: I uhhh, have to meet Lance to day.

Alice: Oh.

Me: And plus you guys need my help on certain things so-

Mavis: Don't worry, we'll ask for help some other time. Go and hang with Lance.

Me: You sure?

Scarlet: You do deserve a break, just go.

I smiled at them and ate the rest of my breakfast. I have good sisters, I love them so much. Getting up to head out, I changed into my Nike sneakers. When I stepped outside, it was beautiful. The sun shun at it's brightest, and the breeze felt just right when it blew against your skin. Light glistened off the blue water of the lake that showed fishes playing with each other. Beams of sun came through the trees while the relaxing sounds of birds chirping and dripping water came into hearing view. I just sat on a tree branch, staring out into the nearby flower field. Full of roses, daisys, tulips, and for-get-me-nots.

Me: Hello.

Lance: Hey.

He climbed up the tree and sat next to me, giving me a big embrace and a soft kiss on my lips. He smiled as he ran his fingers through his hair as if nervous. 

Me: Why so nervous?

Lance: Oh, it's nothing.

Me: You sure?

Lance: Yeah......

I studied him from the corner of my eye, it really didn't look like nothing to me. I concentrated on the quietness around me, and focused on his deepest thoughts.

Lance: Oh man, I can't believe the Pokemon Leauge closed down.

Me: ............. So that's why you're upset?

Lance: What are you talking about?

Me: The Pokemon League closing, you dope.

Lance: Ummmm, i-is that a power?

Me: Yes. Now tell me Lance.

Lance: Well, um....... The Pokemon League is being rebuilt due to some....... damages.

Me: Uh huh.

Lance: And it's been so long since I had a battle, and-

(If you're bored and want a epic battle theme, click the video now. Just wait for the 8-bit introduction to finish.)

Me: Come on.

I jumped out of the tree and looked up at him. He looked very confused.

Lance: What?

Me: You want a pokemon battle, right?

Lance: Yes.

Me: Then get your ass down here, so I can beat you.

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