Chapter 20

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(Mission: Defeat Team Rocket part 3 of 3)

(As usual, if you want a battle theme to listen to as you read, play the music)

I felt the tension between us rise,there was a painful feeling in my stomach as well, lately I have not been feeling well, but I tried to shake it off. Ariana started the battle.

Ariana: Go Arbok!

A huge snake came out with a big hiss, I looked at KILLER who nodded his head and went in front of me with a loud roar.

Ariana: Arbok, use crunch!

Me: KILLER dodge it!

The Arbok slithered up to my partner fast, as he was dodging the attack, Arbok sliced some of his skin. Blood trickled out of his upper arm, he growled at Arbok.

Me: KILLER, flame wheel!

Ariana: Arbok, avoid it!

The snake slithered left and right while KILLER was trying to take aim. When he used flame wheel, it missed the Arbok and blew up the wall.

Me: Again, flame wheel!

He charged up his flames and did it again, this time he hit Ariana's pokemon and knocked it out completely, like he usually does. She called him back and released her second pokemon.

Ariana: Let'go, Murkrow! Use Pursuit!

The black feathered pokemon came out and attacked right away, Ariana smiled as KILLER was knocked into the wall.

Me: KILLER, hyper beam!

He charged up all his energy, and released the attack at the Murkrow yet again, getting another complete hit. Grinding her teeth, she called out her third pokemon.

Ariana: Come out Vileplume, use sleep powder!

The pokemon chanted something, creating powder above KILLER, he tried to escape it, but he fell asleep before he could dodge.


Ariana: Ha ha ha! Vileplume, use acid!

A greenish liquid formed above the Vileplume's head and the pokemon released it at KILLER who was sent flying back. Ariana's pokemon kept attacking until I called back my partner.

Me: You are going to regret this.

Ariana: Oh yeah? How so?

I glared at her as I showed her a pokeball, she looked in curiosity. The pokeball was brand new, but the pokemon inside it, I knew for a long time. We became friends when he decided to come with me on my journey.

Me: Go Mewtwo!

Ariana: M-Mewtwo?!

Me: Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

I smirked as Mewtwo stood next to me. He crossed his arms and glared at Ariana, he spoke with out moving his mouth.

Mewtwo: So this is why you brought me here.

Me: Yes, now do what you gotta do buddy.

Mewtwo: Yes.

His eyes started to glow blue, he extended his arm at Ariana who was slowly being lifted from the ground. She struggled to break free but gasped for air as Mewtwo slowly closed his hand and flung her down the stairs. As that took place, I used a full restore and woke up KILLER, who greeted Mewtwo with a smile.

Mewtwo: How many more are there?

Me: All I know is there is just the main executive upstairs.

Mewtwo: Let's go.

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