Chapter 18

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Me: Yes!

We all screamed and hugged on another, my sisters weren't nearly as excited as I was.

Alice: This is wonderful! How did he do it?

Me: Okay so he took me to Bell Tower at sun set-

Alice: Uh-huh.

Me: And we were just sitting there cuddling, he was keeping me warm with his cape-

Nema: Yeah, yeah!

Me: He slowly moved into kiss me a few times and told me how pretty I was-

Scarlet: Alright.

Me: And he looked so nervous, but he got down on one knee said he can't stand the thought of living without me and pulled out this ring!

I showed them the big diamond ring and we all squealed, I never squeal. NEVER. We all jumped and hugged one another happily. There was a knock at the door, and Mavis went to go answer it.

Mavis: Jenni, somebody's here to see you!~

Me and my sister's looked at the living room entrance to see Mavis and Lance walk in, my sisters looked at me and went, "Ooooooooh!". I blushed and buried my face into a pillow.

Scarlet: Come on guys, let's leave them a lone.

They all left and shut the door behind them, Lance came over by my side, jumped on the couch making it shake, and planted a big kiss on my lips.

Lance: How's my fiance?

Me: Alright, just thinking about that mission I have to do.

Lance: Yeah, me too.

Me: It's been a week already, the mission is tomorrow.

Lance: Yeah............ Please be careful Jenni.

Me: I will, you just go to the Pokemon League and do your job with worrying, okay?

Lance: I will.

He looked at the time and stood up rubbing his head and sighing, I stood up as well.

Me: You okay?

Lance: Yeah, I just remembered Will wanted me to help him with his training.

Me: Okay then.

We held each other's hand as we walked towards the door, before he left he turned back to me and kissed me.

Lance: What time are you leaving?

Me: Around ten in the morning.

Lance: Can I come see you off?

Me: Of course, you don't need my permission to come see me.

Lance: R-right, good night Jenni.

Me: Good night Lance.

When he left, I went up to my room to get everything ready for tomorrows mission. I'm not telling anyone this but, I have a feeling something might to wrong.....

The Next Day.......

10:00 AM

Mission: Defeat Team Rocket (Part 1 of 3)

I stepped out side the house to get going to Golden Rod City. My sisters and Lance stood by me, Lance didn't look too happy about me going.

Me: Hey, I'm going to be fine.

Lance: Are you really sure?

Me: Yes!

He sighed and looked unconvinced, he pulled me into a firm loving hug and whispered in my ear.

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