2 -Zahara

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After practice, I gather the girls up for our girl talk session. We all sit Indian style in a circle to talk like we do every Friday. I'm a woman, and I feel like if my dancers need someone to talk to me about anything I'm all ears. No matter what the situation is I'm here for all of them. A woman's perspective is much better because most of these girls live with only there father so they may need a womanly figure in there life to discuss things they can't with there father. Like menstrual problems, any vaginal activity, or anything that there not comfortable talking about with there parent/parents/guardian.

"Okay so you girls know how we do it, what goes on in this room stays in this room. And what is said in this room, stays in this room. And all of you are mature so I feel like I can say or do anything because I'm surrounded by young adults...am I right?" I ask and they all nod.

"The youngest in here is 17 so I feel like we can talk about anything...and I'm not here to judge you. This is just for you guys to know that we're all family here...nobody should feel neglected to tell us anything because we're all close....you feel me?"

They all nod there head. "So if anybody has anything they wanna talk about...feel free to speak up." I say then I wait for a hand to raise. Tia slowly raises her hand.

"Go ahead Tia...say what's on your mind," I say.

"Well... you guys know the boy Tyrique that used to volunteer here?" We all nod. "We started talking, and soon after he asked me to be his girl. And I was head over heels happy, Tyrique and I would spend all day...every day together. We wouldn't go an hour without texting or talking to one another. But that was until last week Thursday when I didn't hear from him all day."

"That was when you were in the hospital visiting your cousin?" I ask.

"Yeah. I was there all day, and when my dad and I got home we found the house a wreck. We had been robbed. Our flat screen TV was gone, my game systems were gone as well as the games. The computer was gone, even our fish tank filled with goldfishes was gone. He robbed us, and I knew it was him because he was the only one who knew me, and my dad wouldn't be there."

Every body's face just falls. I feel terribly sorry for Tia, and her dad. People work hard for there things and to get them stolen that's painful. And stolen by somebody you trusted that's worse.

"I'm sure he had people helping him." I jump in and say. And she nods her head.

"I said the same thing. But....my dad got an alarm installed so that won't happen again."

"Okay, that's good...if you need anything Tia just let me know. And I will do my best to make sure you can get whatever it is you need."

"Thanks, Ms.Zahara."

"No Problem....Anybody else?" I ask looking at every one of them. They all shake there head then Nessa raises her hand slowly.

"Go ahead Nessa." I say.

"Umm...I'm five weeks...five weeks pregnant." She says then we all gasp.

"Well, are you keeping the baby?" I ask breaking the silence that fell upon the room.

"Of course not... I can't keep this baby."

"Why in the hell not?" Nique asks with an attitude.

"I graduate in May then I'm off to college, I can't have no baby right now. I have better plans."

"Well you should have thought about that before you opened your legs...you can't kill that baby, how could you be so heartless?"

"I'm not being heartless, I'm being smart. I'm not stable for a baby, so why would I want to bring a baby into this world!!"

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