17 -Asia PT.2- Epic Ending

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After hitting Rebekah in the head with the butt of my gun, I get down next to Zahara to check and see if she's okay. Her hand is bloody, and she leaking but not to the point where she may die. Rebekah didn't have the guts to deeply cut her, so she lightly cut her neck.

"You okay baby?" I ask Zahara lifting her up into my arms. She shakes her head no, as I help her to her feet.

"Okay were going to the hospital right now." She puts her arm across my shoulder as I help her to the door.

"Where do you two think you're going?" A man ask pushing both me and Zahara back into the house causing us to fall. I look up to see an old man with a white woman standing behind him. Both of them dressed in black as if there about to commit a crime. I look between them both as I hold Zahara close to me.

"Wh- what th- the fuck." Zahara says holding her neck looking up at the old white man.

"We meet again, how are you beautiful?" The man asks entering the house with the woman following right behind him.

I look at Zahara and she's looking at him likes he's the most disgusting person on this planet. And I look between them both trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

"Zahara who is he?" I ask Zahara, and she glances at me like she wants to say something but she just can't seem to open her mouth.

"She doesn't know me, but I know her." The old man says rubbing both of his hands together walking over to Rebekah. He lightly kicks her butt, and she opens her eyes and she gets up, and immediately reaches for the pocket knife that she had cut Zahara with.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She asks the old white man.

"I came to see if you were okay, last night was wild." He says then Rebekah starts shaking as if she was nervous.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I look between both Rebekah, and the old man.

"What happened......last night?" Zahara manages to get out as she turns to look at Rebekah.

"NOTHING..... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Rebekah yells backing up looking between the man and Zahara both. She bumps into a glass sculpture and it falls and breaks causing her to jump in the opposite direction. The man then snatches Rebekah back by her hair.

"You might as well go and tell her, since she's been doing the same thing." He whispers in her ear, then let's go of her hair.

"How do you know about that?" Rebekah asks lowering her knife.

"Didn't you get the pictures I sent you of them two?" He asks pointing at me and Zahara. I immediately shake my head realizing he's the reason why Rebekah knows about me and Zahara.

"You sent those? How did you know ab-

He cuts her off, and slaps her across her face. "Ben doesn't like a liar... you were with a woman while you were with me and you didn't think I would find out?" He paces back and forth with his fists balled up then he turns on his heel and faces her. "I found out after I gave you the raise sweetheart, I just kept my cool until I felt it was time to bring it all to the light."

"YOU BASTARD!!" Rebekah yells charging towards the man who I know now as Ben. She trying to stab him but he's holding both of her hands back.

Then the blonde that came with Ben ran towards the fight, and she kneed Rebekah in the stomach. Rebekah then bends over holding her stomach grunting from the pain. Then before the blonde girl can speak Rebekah looks up at her then sends her pocket knife flying up, and sends it across the girl's face. Creating a line across her cheek, her nose, and then her left eye.

The girl feels on her face, and looks at her hand and when she notices the blood she turns pink in the face.

"YOU BITCH!!" She screams and then they both start fighting, and surprisingly Rebekah throws the knife and decides to go at the girl with no weapon. There fighting, and ben's old ass was trying to get in between the two to stop it but he just kept getting sent back to the ground. And while they were distracted, me and Zahara slipped out of the house, and I immediately took her to the hospital.


As I sit next to Zahara's bed I watch her eat the food they gave her after they gave her medicine, and treated the scar on her neck. She didn't need stitches, but they bandaged her neck so it will be able to heal properly. I just feel so bad about this whole situation, and I'm wishing I would have never step to Zahara in the first place. But it's too late for all of that now. I got her, she's all mine, and now I feel like shit. I put my head in my hands, and I sigh deeply hoping nothing else crazy happens after this.

"We haven't said anything to each other since we got here." Zahara says, and I look up at her.

"We can talk about this later, after you eat you should rest." I say because I have a terrible headache, and I just feel like going to sleep.

"Okay." She says sounding upset at the fact I don't want to talk. She probably feels bad but it's not all on her, it's both of us. And I feel that our relationship will never be the same after this.

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