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Hey everyone ^_^ Hope everyone is doing good today and will be even better tomorrow!
Nothing much happened. I have a volleyball game Next Monday. First away game and I'm pretty excited, but at the same time, I'm a little nervous cx. School has been... Ok? I guess. But just bleh. It isn't horrible. Yet. But otherwise, all is okay.
The pack is doing good also and I'm happy because of that. ❀
My mate is also good. I'm happy to be with him and can't wait to see him later on. He hurt his eye because of a little mistake, but it's healing well ♡
Had a little but of a mental shift last night seeing the moon. It was so beautiful! I couldn't take my eyes away from it 🌕✨
Haven't been posting on IG or snapchat in a while because of school, but I will later on. The therian/otherkin community on Instagram looks okay. There was a big commotion about two "famous" people who realized they aren't a therian/otherkin or doesn't fit that definition. One thing, it's perfectly okay not being a therian/otherkin. There is nothing really special about it. It's an identity. You don't have to have a Native American blood, do rituals, dress up your gear, or anything else to be a therian/otherkin. You are either one or not. And that's okay. It's a discovery and it shouldn't be rushed.
Hope everyone is having a blessed day and don't let anyone tear you down. You are perfect inside and out 💕

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