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Nothing much has been happening really today. Everyday is a busy day for me.. there is no breaks and always school work. Everything has been good for a little while so far though. Have an RP pack that is on FH ( Feral Heart ). Sadly not many are interested in it anymore, but hope some more will come someday c:
I am interested in showing my pictures here for some advice or reviews. No hate comments please. If you have any dislike towards it and have nothing but negative words to say, please don't say ^^ I don't mind with helping of how to take pictures though since I am new.
Haven't much experienced with shifts lately. The weather is slowly getting warmer, but not warm enough as it had rained hard the past two days. Can't wait till school be out and I can start driving by myself and wear my gear as much as I please and have a job to earn money to go places.
But since nothing much happened, I will leave this as my ending cx hope everyone is doing good!

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