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Hey! Sorry it has been a while. I have been way busy with a lot of things, but yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removal. But today I feel better and it's healing up some ^^ Hope you all are doing good so far and that you have many cool plans this summer!
But besides that, nothing much had happened really. I haven't been outside much sadly because I was busy with cleaning and babysitting my cousin and never really had enough time to get myself together and settled. But I did start meditating for a short time. And next week I will be going to camp at a college for a leadership program and the week after that is the other camp for theatre. I'm really excited for next week though because there will be tons of fun activities and they have a pool too, so swimming will be great too ^0^
Have been practicing drawing and other art stuff to keep myself occupied and read some books that I have with me. Not many shifts, but felt a strong mental shift about my territory or personal space. I can deal it if it was with my friends or part of my family members, but I tend to stay away from other people whom I haven't really met. But I'm okay with meeting new people, just don't be creeps or stalkers xD
I hope to make some more later in this week or sometime soon ❤️ If have any questions or comments, you can do so and if you want to chat, I'm open (:

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