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Hello everyone! Really sorry I haven't been on often >.< having troubles with school and all of the hard work I have to be put up with, but other than that I am good! I will try to be on here maybe once or twice a week maybe if I have the time to ❤️
Just got out from the Thanksgiving break and it was really good! The weather was nice and the food was delicious *-* 🍂🍗🍴 but sadly I now have school and it has already piled up work on me and nothing seems to be changing with my social life with people. The classmates I have don't meet with me eye to eye as they have better connections with others that have  grew up with them when they were little or been to more places than I have. I only have one left, and it's a good thing. She doesn't really know about me being a therian, though I tried to tell her about what it is. But as long as she is loyal and accepting, I am good with it.
I have experienced strong phantom and mental shifts lately. Especially when someone is near me when I don't want them to, I sometimes growl under my breath quietly and scoot away from them. I don't hang with people who are overly immature and are not accepting enough to accept the differences of other people. And it's hard to ignore people when they are loud and obnoxious >_< do you guys have any tips on these?
The pack is also good and I'm glad that they are here and I understand that most have school work to do and it's hard to be online every now and then, but still it is comforting c:

That is recently what I have all for today and hopefully something more interesting might happen cx I will come back later!

My Therian JournalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora