Chapter 15: Parents

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I froze in shock at the sight of my mom and dad. I watched as my mother jumped up from the sofa and flung herself at me "Oh my baby" She sobbed, hugging me tightly "I'm missed you so much" she pulled away and placed her hand on my cheek.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked looking at my mother "Not that I didn't want you here"

"We told you we will move once you found your imprint" Dad stated moving closer to me "I'm happy you found him" Dad kisses the top of my head "Billy told me a bit about him, while we waited for you" I blushed lightly.

"He's perfect daddy"

"He sounds great baby" Mom giggled "Can't wait to meet him" I look over my parents once more.. They're really here after so many months, I'm perfectly happy. I have my imprint and now my mom and dad.

"Where are you staying?" I asked them.

"I offered them to stay here for a couple of days, till your father and some of the pack help with your new home" Billy explained.

I smiled widely at the information "Where's the house?"

"It's down the road from here. So your close to the forest to shift when needed too" Father says with a smile.

"Sounds amazing" I says excited. Just then the door opened and a couple of voices were heard.

"Jacob will you quite down we have guests" Billy demanded.

Moments later Jake entered the room "Sorry dad" he looks over at my parents "Hello" he held out his hand to my father "I'm Jacob, Billy's son and this ones adopted older brother" He grinned at me.

"Really" He says taking Jake's hand and looks to me with a raise eye brow "You've been here how many days and have an adopted older brother and a imprint"

I smile "Yep"

"Well Jacob, I'm Liam and this lovely lady with my wife Karen" Jake takes hold of my mothers hand "We are Jessica's parents"

"It's really nice to meet you" Jake stuttered "You have a amazing daughter couldn't ask for a better third sister"

"Awe thanks Jake" I cooed pushing him lightly.

Jacob growled playfully and grabbed me into his arms making me squeal in laughter "Jake man, your so lucky Sam isn't here to see you do that" Paul spoke up.

"Liam, Karen this is Paul, he imprinted on my daughter Rachel" Billy introduced before turning to the next boy "And this is Embry he's Sam's half brother" My father perked up at that.

"Nice to meet you all" Mother politely says as my father eyed Embry.

"Dad stop staring" I growled. My father moved his attention to me.

"Sorry, he's the half brother to your imprint?" He asked or stated.

"Yes sir, and you don't need to worry about my brother he's a gentlemen" He told my father trying to butter his brother up.

"Yeah sir Sam's a great alpha and friend" Paul says "And he cares deeply for your daughter"

Father let out a breath and sighed "Sorry just been an overprotective father"

"It's understandable Liam, I was the same when I found out about Paul" Billy spoke up.

"You should of seen him, he had Paul running out of the house" Jake laughed "It was awesome the big bad hotheaded wolf was chased out by a tribe leader in a wheelchair" It was then me and my parents burst out laughing... Oh poor Paul.

"I'm sure going to have a word or two when I meet your imprint baby girl" Dad turns to me with a smile.

"I expect no less papa wolf" I grinned.

"Well, we were off to Sam's after been here" Embry turns to look at me "Would you like to come Jess?"

"Um" I look to my parents.. I really wanted to go see Sam, I was missing him already but I haven't seen my parent's in months.

My father saw the look on my face and smile sadly "I know what it's like baby girl, go be with him" He pulls me into another hug "We'll be here once you get back"

"Are you sure?" I whispered in his embrace.

"Positive" Dad breathed out, pulling out of the hug he placed another kiss on my forehead, it was then I was taken into another hug by my mother.

"Go have fun and tell Sam we can't wait to meet him" Mother says stroking my hair.

"I will" I pulled out of my mothers arms and smiled at the boys "Lets go boys" I say grabbing hold of Jacob and dragging him out the door, leaving my parent and Billy laughing at us and the boys to follow.

"Hold up Jess" Jake says stopping me "I have to go somewhere first but I won't be long"

"Okay Jake" I watched him leave before turning to Embry and Paul "I guess it's just us boys" I smiled wide linking my arms with them both "Lead the way my pack brothers" Together we walked to my imprints home.

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