Chapter 22: A Few Words

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Jake's been gone for three days now, I'm still not allowed to phase; it's killing me. My adoptive brother needs me, the boys keep tabs on him but his mind is clouded, meaning the pack isn't get much out of him; including location.

All I have been feeling is the pain of my pack mate, the connection is strong between me and Jake. At least we know he is alive but his emotional state on the other hand has gone crazy.

And all because of Bella.

The pack doesn't quite know the reasons behind the whole Bella issue yet but there is one person that will know... Jacob's father Billy. I had made plans to go over and help him out with food and stuff since his helper has ran off.

I put on my trainers, and pulled my hair into a hair ponytail before walking to the door "Mum, I'm going to Billy's" I shout to the kitchen. I heard my mother place down some pots and rushes to me with a tub in her hand.

"Here, gave him some left over chicken soup" I took the tub from her and place a kiss on her cheek, I turn and open the door and walked out "Wait!" I paused in step.

I look over my shoulder to see my mother with a jacket "Mum, I'm over a 100 degrees" I sent her a look "I don't need a jacket"

My mother sighed, holding the jacket to her chest "I know sweetheart. It's just my motherly instincts coming out that's all"

I send her a smile "I know" I turn my head and walk down the road to Billy's but not without telling my mother I loved her.

"Hey Billy" I say walking into the Black house. I place the tub in the kitchen and headed into the living room, Billy was sat in front of the TV with a blank look on his face.

Tears formed in my eyes at the sight of the broken man I had come to love as a second father "Oh papa" I whimpered, I crossed the room and bent down in front of him.

Billy's eyes found mine, a little smile appeared on his lips "Hey baby girl" I smiled up at him and ran my hand over his cheek "I'm glad you came" He paused for a second; he eyes became clouded.

"Of course I came, my second father needs me" I whisper softly to him, Billy raises his hand and places over mine; that rested on his cheek "Everything is going to be okay"

"No it's not"

I look at him confused "Why not papa?" I knew Jake would come back, he can't stay away from his pack brothers and sisters with out becoming a lone wolf.

"She's ruined her life" A tear escaped his eyes "She has hurt my baby boy" My blood boiled... He was talking about Bella "She's wasting her life. She will become one of them" He sobbed out "And Charlie won't even know"

My heart ached at the sight of the strong chief in front of me, he really cared for the girl. Had this girl not thought this decision through, I mean once she changes she can't be friends with Jacob any more. She won't be able to come onto this land. She will have to hide away from the world until she controls her thirst.

My stomach twisted at the thought of her hurting a innocent person.

"Papa, nothing is going to happen, she can't be changed here or the Cullen's will risk a fight" I say trying to comfort him "I doubt Charlie will let her run away again"

Billy sniffed "But that's the thing" He took his hand back and reaches over to the table beside him "She can" He handed me a plastic piece of paper.

My heart stop at the word a growl escaped my lips.


Together with their Families
Request the honor of your presence
At the celebrations of their marriage

Saturday, the thirteenth of August
Two thousand and eleven
Five O'clock in the evening

420 Woodcroft Ave
Forks, WA

She's really gone and done it this time.

"That stupid little girl" I growled, my body began shaking a little "Does she even know what she's gotten herself into" I paced up and down the living room; breathing deeply to keep myself from phases right in front of Billy.

The phone rang, Billy went to get but i stopped him "I'll get it"

"Hey Billy, is Jake there?" Great Bella fucking Swan.

"No he isn't and I'm not Billy" I replied calmly.

"Oh. Will you let him know I called" She says with excitement "I've just found my dress and I wanted to know if Jake and his father were coming"

I growled deeply; I couldn't hold myself back now "You selfish little bitch" In the corner of my eyes, I notice Billy stiffen and his eyes widen in shock.

"Excuse me?"

"You expect Jake to come to your wedding when you know full well he has feeling for you" I fumed "I mean seriously, don't you think off anyone but yourself"

"Now just wait a minute" She snapped back "You have no righ-"

"I have every right" I cut her off " Especially when it come to my pack... my BROTHER" I roared out "We helped you with the army and I got injured; which I'm fine by the way. Thank for asking" I sarcastically spat at her "You don't speak to Jake and avoid his calls and when he does hear from you it's by an invitation saying your getting married." I panted out of breath at my rant "Did you not think it would be kinder to say it to his face"

"Not really"

"I bet you would of changed your mind if you told him face to face" I told her "I bet he would of been able to get you away from the Cullen's"

"It's my decision" She shouts back.

"Hm, I know but did you really think it through?" I questioned her.

"Of course I did" She replied "I'm going to get married and live with the Cullen's and will be changed to be with Edward forever" I cringed at the though once again.

"Really and where will you live? What will you tell Charlie? Oh and do you know you won't be able to have kids?" I asked.

"We will stay here and I can still see Charlie and I'm not too bothered about kids maybe we could adopt in the future" She replied.

"Still not the same as your own and I think you would drink Charlie dry" I growled back rubbing my stomach; Sam's child will be in there one day "Oh lets not forget you won't be allowed to live here. The Cullen's aren't allowed to bite someone with causing a war with us wolves." I explained, my shaking had become stronger; time to end this conversation.

"But I'm telling you this, you harm my pack any more then you already have" I growled dangerously "I kill you the moment you turn into a vampire"

"You can't do that" She whimpered a little.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm the packs guardian wolf, if my wolf sees you as a threat, there is no holding her back" I hung the phone with a smirk on my face.

I turn to look at Billy "Sorry papa" I walked over to him; my shaking had progressed, I needed to go in the forest.

"You did what you had to do" He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then points to the door "Now go before you phase" I nod and sprint out of his home, before I could reach the forest my clothes ripped and I was on all fours; my mind was clouded with the events that had just happened.

I needed Jacob. I shot my head back and called out to him; not a moment later I heard his reply. My senses became 10x stronger, without looking back I took off in the direction I knew Jake was.

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