Chapter 16: Jacob's Friend Bella

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Sam's house came into sight, the pack were stood outside watching two of their pack brothers play fighting; I let go of Paul and Embry and sprinted to my imprint, without warning I jumped on him back causing us both to fall to the ground.

I look to Sam and giggled shyly, my face was bright red "Hey baby" I said.

Sam shook his head a me with a wide smile upon his face "Hey beautiful" he then leans forward and placed his lips on mine.

"Dude" Paul spoke up, making brake apart "Not in front of the children" He then covers Seth's eyes with his hands. Seth growled a little and smacked Paul hands away.

"You wouldn't believe who we just met Sam" Embry spoke up as Sam helped me off the ground.

"Who?" Sam asked eye brow raised.

"Jessica's parents" In that moment Sam froze on the spot "Sam?" Embry called for his attention but he stayed frozen.

"Sammy?" I called softly, in a matter of seconds Sam unfroze and looked to me, I smiled warmly at him "It's okay, you don't have to meet them until your ready" I reassured him.

Sam let out of breath "I'll meet them when ever you want too" he replied.

"No need to worry brother" Embry stepped up "Her parents are lovely" He smiled. Paul nod his head in agreement before going over to Jared and pushing him to the ground for a fight.

In that moment a blue beat up old truck pulled in the driver way, I heard the pack groan "Seriously" most muttered. I watched as Jake jumped out followed by a pale faced, brown haired girl, with a smile on my face I moved out of the hold of my lover and ran for Jake.

"Jakey" I squealed like a child jumping in his arms.

"Jessy" He cooed back hugging me tight, over his shoulder I saw the girl give me a glare "I just saw you like 15 minutes ago"

"So" I pouted. Jake smirked and pushed me; which earned a growl from Sam, I watched Bella look between the two confused.

"Sorry Sam"

"Sam behave, he was only playing" I purred walking towards "No need for the big bad wolf to come out" I embraced him in a hug, his body un tense. I gave a quick wink in Jake direction telling him it was safe to move forward.

"Hey Sam" The girl chirped.

"Bella" It was then I caught the sent of vampire.

"So this is the vampire girl?" I greeted my teeth.

"Maybe, who are you?" Bella demanded.

"Bella this is my adoptive sister Jessica" He introduced us "She's also Sam's imprint"

"Oh, nice to meet you" She put on a fake smile.

"I'm sure it is" I growled at her. I moved away from the awful girl, I wanted nothing to do with her. She hurt Jake, She's putting the pack at risk all because a vampire wants to kill her; thanks to her lover killing the mate of the red head.

"Calm down" Sam whispered.

"How can I be calm with HER here" I growled watching as Jake and Bella talked and laughed, the love in Jake's eyes was painful to see since she didn't return it.

"Jess!" Jake called, I look up to see him waving me over, I look to my imprint who gave me a reassuring smile. I sighed and took a calming breath before heading over the my new found brother and Vampire girl.

"Yes Jakey" I fake smiled.

"Bella wanted to ask a question"

I turn my attention to Bella "Sure ask away"

"How do you feel about Sam fighting the army?" She paused a moment "I mean, Jake offered the pack to help but it's not right" My eyes softened at her comment, she didn't want to involve the pack.

"No matter what you want Bella the pack HAVE to be involved" I stated "It's their duty as a wolf to protect the tribe" I bent down to her eyes level with a warm smile "And even though the army is not on La Push, it doesn't mean that one would slip away and feed on someone from the tribe" I sighed softly all the hate towards her was gone it the matter of moments "Also your important to Jakey here" I put my hand on her arm, hoping to provided comfort "Anyone important to a pack brother is protected"

"Thank you" She whispered with tears in her eyes.

"No problem Bella" I rubbed my hand up and down her arm "If you need help from any of us all you have to do is ask" She nodded her head.

"I will" She sniffed.

"Jessy, you make her cry" Jake tease earning a growl from me, Bella's head snapped up in surprise.

"You a wolf too?"

I nod my head "Yep" I look to Jake "I would of though you would of told her" I say folding my arms.

"Well, we didn't know if you were going to stay and fight if you didn't imprint on Sam"

I huffed annoyed "Of course I would fight" I growled deeply, moments later I felt Sam's arms around me.

"Again calm down" He whispered in my ear, making me groan a little.

I huffed slightly, breathing in and out "Sorry" I apologized "Well since I'm staying you might want to get her caught up in everything, after all we are helping her and the Cullen's" Jake nod at me and leads Bella away.

Sam pulled me down on to the ground and places me on his lap "Just sit down and relax" I smiled up at him but that smile faded as I looked on at the pack. How could I stay relaxed when there is a battle to be won and we haven't done any training.

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