Chapter 18: Newborn Army

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A couple of weeks has past and today is the day the newborns attack, for the past weeks we have been meeting up with the Cullen's to train... It was kind of boring if you ask me but it was needed. All that the wolves did was watch as Jasper fought his clan and gave us pointers, which me as the guardian wolf already knew.

The plan was for Bella, Edward and Seth to stay on the mountain away from the newborns as the rest of the Cullen's stayed out in the open ready for them. Us wolves would hide on the edge of the forest ready to jump out at them in surprise. Jasper says they would have a clue about us shape shifters. All they were bothered about is blood and a fight.

The pack gathered in Sam's house, waiting for order from our Alpha "Okay guys" Sam looked us over with a reassuring smile "It's not like we haven't faced vampire's before" He took a breath "Just remember these are newborns and are a lot stronger so take your time in destroying them also don't get too cocky" He says shooting a look at Paul "After our victory, I will see you all back here for pizza night"

"What if one of us get hurt?" Seth shyly piped up.

"Then we will be with that pack member till we know their are safe and out of harms way" Sam says, he looks to me. I gave him a little smile with a hidden messages 'everything will be fine' Sam nods

"We are ready" Paul shouts.

"Yeah, lets kick some vamp butt" Jared spoke after

Sam rolled his eyes "Alright lets go" He ordered. Paul and Jared left quickly, they were so ready to kill some vampires.

Once the house was empty I walk up to a tense Sam, wrapping my arms around his waist I leaned into his back and placed butterfly kisses on his shoulder "They'll be fine baby"

"I know, I worried about you mostly" He admitted.

"Right back at ya baby" I replied, Sam turns around and claims my lips, he forcefully opened my mouth and entered his tongue, together we battled. Sam's arms harshly pulled me close, he didn't want to let me go. I knew he was being rough cause he was scared. In truth I was rather enjoying it, a moan let my throat as he cupped my butt with his hands.

Before long we pulled apart panting heavily "I love you" Sam says pulling out of my embrace but still had he eyes focused on me.

"I love you too baby" I whispered softly "Everything is going to be fine" I told him once more. Sam nodded, knowing I was right, he held his hand out for me to take; which I took and together we joined the pack.

I know I told Sam everything was going to be okay, but I have this feeling in my stomach..... Something was going to go wrong.... Someone in my pack was going to get hurt, and I'm going to have to change that even if that means me getting hurt in their place.

The question is when will the right time to act? My father told me if a pack member of my chosen pack is ever in danger my wolf would know and take over and reacted by defending that member or take their place, it was told if I failed to help my pack my wolf would whimper in my head for days to come and no one will be able to calm her down.

I sighed looking each member over with a sad smile, I will do everything I can to save my new brothers and even Leah "Lets phase" Sam shouted. Most of the pack wasted no time and phased straight away ripping their clothes, I rolled my eyes and walked behind a bush and striped my clothes before phasing my self.

I quickly head all thoughts of someone getting hurt during this battle. Sam took the lead with me behind followed by his beta Jared and third in command Paul. Everyone's thought were full of excitement, mine remained clear as did Sam's.

We finally arrived at our hiding spoke, Sam gave a quick growl telling the Cullen's we were here "Off you go Seth" I rubbed my snout over his in a motherly tone "Be safe little pup" Seth groaned but left for Edward and Bella. He was upset to seat out of battle but it was for the best, he was still only young.

"He'll be fine" Sam says giving me a lick on the cheek.

I nod my head "I know" I gave a wolfy smile but that smile disappeared as the sent of vampire enter my nose, me and some of the pack growled ready for the enemy, I crouched low to the ground ready to sprint towards the scene of the fight. The Cullen's gave out a battle cry, I look to Sam and nod my head.

"NOW!!!" Sam roared and together as one we ran into battle.

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