Chapter 17 [Siblings....ugh]

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(Y/N)'s pov:

Aphmau told everything.

My Irene

Having an overprotective brother is worse then a mom....well yea

I see Aaron by the lake as I sigh going up to him.

"Don't threat my boyfriend please"

"You know I care about you and I don't want him hurting you!" Aaron said close to yelling as I frown.

"I don't think you know me or how I feel anymore" I said walking off to the trail as Aphmau frowns about to go after me but Aaron stopped her and went instead.

Aaron took a while to find me until he found me unconscious  rolled down the side of a hill.

"(Y/N)!!!" Aaron yells as Aphmau and Zane could hear him running towards him in the woods.

The both see me still unconscious as Zane screams before taking off his mask and his jacket as he jumps down as Aaron frowns going down as well.

Zane held me close as Aaron looks around my body to see and scratches or deep wounds as he saw only three deep wounds on my leg and some scratches everywhere else as Zane broke down in tears holding me close as I coughed a bit gripping onto him as he screams with joy to see I'm awake.

"This is all my fault..." Aaron frowns in tears already.

"D-Don't aggravate me again..." I said holding onto Zane as Aaron uses Zane's jacket to stop the bleeding as Zane picks me up climbing back up as did Aaron.

An hour passed as I laid in the cabin bed trying not to pass out again but it happened anyway. Zane, Aaron, and Aphmau stayed in my room to keep an eye on me as Aaron turns to Zane.

"You got her out of there...really did prove a lot that you truly care about her" He says as Zane looks at him.

"I love her"

"Zane you have my blessing" He smiles a bit as Zane eyes widen as he smiles and hugs Aaron.

Aphmau smiles before hearing her emergency phone go off as she answers it.

"Ugh Aaron, Garroth gave our son a bath but his cat fell in the bath as well."

"Did he get scratched?!"

"No the cat did"

Aaron looks to the side laughing a bit as Aphmau rolls his eyes.

"Garroth panics about everything don't worry" Zane says before standing and sitting at the end of the bed staying close to me.

Zane's pov:

It's around night time as (Y/N) woke up as I was laying next to her as she cuddles up to me staying close. I wrapped my arm around her keeping her close.



"Marry me...?" I ask as she blushes and has a few tears.

"Yes, of course I will" She smiles kissing me gently as I kiss her back.

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