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She had been avoiding him.

Every step, every breath and every move she made was to avoid him. She couldn't bare to see him.

But, of course, she would have to face up soon enough, she knew Elijah had been catching on, for every time they did cross paths, when he tried to speak to her, she replied with snarky comments or an evil glance. But really, she actually and finally understood the chemistry that went on, she finally understood what was inside the vampire called Elijah. Though, it only made her angrier.

The Mikaelson's formal event had come around quicker than expected, she was never able to dress up as well before, her coven used to be quite run down, they never had balls or parties or anything like this. It was kind of the only thing she was looking forward to, dressing up nicely.

Cassandra put some silver earrings in her ears and smoothed out her black lace dress and stood up. She turned and walked towards the door, opening it. Cassandra walked out onto the balcony onlooking the ground floor, her hands clutching the bars as she looked out on the slowly filling room. There were a few people, early arrivers, but in the next few minutes, the place was buzzing with life.

"What even is the point of this?" She asked as Elijah stepped behind her. Cassie's heart stopped in her chest, and her skin turned red, but she just continued to look away. "you wanted to size up the enemy, we already have"

"Maybe a chance to gain an upper hand, plus Rebekah planned it already and she'd surely stomp her foot if all of it went to waste" Elijah explained

"No offence, but I could probably plan a better party with my eyes closed" She turned around and looked at Elijah trying to mask his amusement, he gave her a look as to say 'she is my sister'

"Actually, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry" she corrected "I intend her to take all offence"

"She isn't all bad, just slightly temperamental" Elijah excused her

Cassie scoffed, she didn't want to talk about Rebekah, the girl just angers her more than she already is.

"Anyway, I'd like to thank you for saving me, the other day, I haven't managed to actually thank you"

Cassandra looked away and back at the now full room. She took a deep breath in, wishing she had a huge glass of whiskey in her hand. She turned back around as her eyes turned dead "I didn't have a choice" she spat before walking away.

Elijah followed her down "what do you mean, you didn't have a choice?" He asked, she wouldn't have just decided to go and risk her life because someone told her to.

"Freya threatened me, she took the doll and dug her nails in the head, I was told if I didn't go, I'd surely die at her hands" Cassie didn't want to tell him that, she would have gone and got it either way, but she wished she could without getting hurt in the end. Her head turned to the side where she saw a familiar and sinister face "I have to bounce, my dates here"

Elijah furrowed his eyebrows, turning to look in the direction she walked off to.

Obviously he wasn't really her date, but Cassie had a plan that didn't involve anyone else, so she didn't include anyone else. "I expected to see you here" Lucien adjusted his tie as he saw the girl approaching him.

"You just can't leave me alone, can you?" She played along "but since you're here, I suppose you could make yourself useful and make me look less lonely"

"If you're trying to ask me to be your date, Cassandra, I would have preferred a little more notice, an intimate note on the back of the invite, we could have co-ordinated" he replied

"Oh, we have" she looked at his tie and matched it to her black dress "it's the perfect colour, it also matches my heart" she whispered

Lucien leant down a little, matching the same tone as hers "what heart?" He replied.

"Exactly" Cassie laughed, forcefully taking his hand knowing that Elijah's eyes were plastered on her "dance with me"

"You know he's looking at us" Lucien knew exactly what Cassandra was trying to do, Elijah's jealous look only confirmed it.

"Who cares?" Cassandra retaliated

"Obviously, you do" Lucien, lead her out onto the dance floor. He saw how she squirmed at the mere mention of him, she was still in love with him. "I have to say I'm quite disappointed"

Cassandra looked behind her and watched Elijah walk away, his head held low, and her heart broke slightly. He'd given up and she had won, why didn't she feel good though?

Her head whipped back to Lucien, her fingers tracing up his chest and her hand took the side of his neck. "What would it take me..." Her fingertips fiddled with the buttons on his shirt "... To prove to you that I have no feelings towards Elijah?"

Lucien breathed in, trying to ignore the euphoric feel of her hands on his body.

"How about we go somewhere a little more.. Intimate, and we can talk about our own little plan? No witches, No originals, just us, two puppets going on their own" she admitted "we are two of the most powerful beings on the planet, together we could do immense things" she pulled her lip between her teeth as she looked up at him with her sultry eyes and deeper voice, she knew every man's weaknesses, she knew how to get them.

He raised his eyebrow "now that would be something I'd love to do"

"My room"

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