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BEEP BEEP BEEP. If I hear another sound beep from the alarm clock I might die. BEEP BEEP by the time it gets to the second beep I throw it out of my window. I'll clean the mess later. I don't like how everyone is treating me like royalty it's annoying. Like paparazzi they follow me everywhere and when I try to sit alone at lunch someone is sitting with me. I only have one more month to go then I can leave.I have wolf hearing one time I heard a pesky saying she's backstabbing me. Hard another say she just wants to be famous and another say she wants wants money. I'm pretty sure you get the point by now.

"Kat do you need a ride"Jasper yells his music is on full blast. The cars packed and I don't want to sit on anyone's lap.Jaspers been nice to me for the last month. I'm getting goose bumps its so unnatural.He treats me like his one and only.



I run 10 laps then I shift into my wolf. This time when I shift something is different its faster and painless.I feel something on my back. I inhale and exhale it becomes heavier when I turn my head I see wings. I flutter them and I begin to lift off a few inches off the ground. I freak out and fall down on the ground.I shift back to a human. I change behind a tree and look at myself.My wings are still there.I get a better look at them they're a cream white color the tips are pale light blue and I have gold swirls. I have to tell mom.

The phone rings 3 times before she picks up.

"Hello sweetie what's wrong?" Her voice is so soothing that I calm down

"I ugh s-shifted APPLE" that's our code word to say something about our angel side.

"I told you it was painless I was right wasn't I" At least she's not the type of person to say I told you so.

"We'll I gotta go sweet hart"I sign and start doing my breathing exercises. My wings disappear.

Two people appear in front of me. One of them is tan and female,she has light brown hair and blue eyes. She's wearing a flown white dress, they way she wears it you can tell that she has a mouthwatering figure she looked like an angel she was flawless. The other female resembled the other one she has darker hair color but brown eyes she was a bit shorter than her though she was striking she looked classy and elegant.

"Your wings have grown in"Said the second woman. Her voice was elegant and smooth.

"Yes and may I ask who are you"The first woman frowned.

"We helped you survive, we were there at your birth in a spiritual way" The second woman said

"I'm the Moon Goddess and she's my cousin she's an angel like you her name is Jeneve (Jen-eve)" Said the first woman

"She's going to train you similar to your past trainings but with your wings and using your powers.Meet us here in a week at 6"Her voice started to fade and so were they.With that they were gone.

I checked my phone to see what time it was its 8.Woah I've been gone long I hope no ones worried.When I step not the pack house I'm tackled into a hug by Jasper.He hugs me so tight I think my face is blue.I still feel sparks when he touches me I don't know when though because he rejected me.

"Ca-nt b-b-breathe"He lets go and I get to see his face.Worried and upset changes in his eyes to relief and happiness.

"I thought you left or got hurt I was so worried"He says while stroking my face and hugging me.Wait does he have his memory back?He yells before I can ask.

"GUYS SHES HERE!" He yells and Ky Kaiden and a couple pack members come rushing in and tackle me.

"Unless you guys want me to die of suffocation I suggest you get off" I says laughing.

I feel eyes on me. When I turn around I see Jasper. I can tell he's fighting the urge to touch me he looked like was gonna cr and yet his eyes were filled with lust why?Him being nice always creeps me out.

"We'll I'm going to sleep"The boys nod and give me smiles.

"Night" I respond and walk upstairs and I immediately fall asleep.When I start to dose off I feel someone on my bed.A piece of hair falls on my face and the person tucks it behind my ears and I feel sparks.Jasper.I start falling asleep when. Hear something's don't expect.

"I love you Ariel" I open my mouth to say it back but nothing comes out.Wait was I just trying to say I LOVE YOU to Jasper the person who rejected me.No this is a different Jasper,maybe he's changed how would I know I have to give him a chance my second mate hasn't come around yet maybe I was destined to be with Jasper and Jasper only.Wait does he have his memory I never told him we were mates or anything. That was the last thing I thought before I fell asleep.






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