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When I stepped out of the palace I was surprised by what I saw. Hundreds of weres,rogues and worst of all I saw the pack. I Mindlink everyone to get as much help as possible. Right now we can get all the help we can get. I see a black cloaked familiar figure step forward. He slowly started to take of the cloak and mask.Kaiden.

I was so ready to tell him off. I open my mouth to speak but Jaspers voice beat me to it.

"How could you?"He yelled. It was so loud I saw many of the fighters flinch. By the looks of it you could definitely tell that Jasper was beyond mad. If he was a cartoon character his face would be blood red with steam coming out of his ears.

All Kaiden did was laugh and shout orders to go. The war was large and chaotic. You can hear loud yells and grunts. There was blood all over the ground. I snap the wolfs neck and went to the next one. We were doing fine. We were winning. Too easily. When I finished I went to the next wolf which so happens to be Kaiden. When I stepped forth he did something I didn't expect. He spread open his wings. He was the dark angel. His wings were pitch black. The battlefield was full of dead bodies. My team won. But there was still Kaiden.

"Give it up Kaiden we won its over"

"It's not over yet the prophecy" Prophecy? I speak open my wings to the fullest length. It feels so good to finally be let out.We circle each other in the air. He blows a really strong wind towards me. It barely throughs me off guard. I turn invisible and duplicate myself. The good thing is because I can't feel any pain from my duplicate.

He transport to my duplicate and throws a punch towards her but she moves out of the way. My plan is to tire him out. He keeps trying. I see a drop of sweat coming from his forehead and switch mine and my duplicates place.

"Finally you decide to show up" How did he know?

"I was here all along"I state

"So that little duplicate wasn't a decoy to tire me out." I forgot he can read minds to. I decide to read his mind. Nothing. He put up a barrier so I do the same.

I turn up my hearing senses so I can hear his next moves. He punches towards my stomach but I block and punch towards his face hard. I hear a crack.

"That's gonna leave a mark" I smirk towards him. I feel a little burn on my hair. The red tips are getting redder by the second.

"So is this" He kicks me hard and I fly back wards. I stumble and lose balance. While doing that I blow a strong tornado of wind to block him and bring a a weapon out from thin air. I know cool right? Anyways I chose an angel blade. He's already out of the tornado. I see a glint from the sun from something in his hand. He has two of them. He throws one of them my way. I move but it follows me and cuts my upper thigh. It burns.

I let out a scream and grab hold of my thigh. It feels like fire touching it inside and out. He throws the other and it lands in my stomach and I fall towards the ground. I see black spots everywhere. My whole body is on fire. I yell again. My wings are gone. I look up toward the sky and see Kaiden smirking and glowing. Why is he glowing? He flies a different direction leaving me to fall. I see the ground and turn so my back would hit it. But it doesn't. I feel tingles and fire running through my body.

I hear Jaspers voice and his fingers on my veins. My hearing gets weaker but I hear him saying.

"She has no pulse" I let the darkness and heat consume my body.






Big MistakeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora