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I wake up early today and decide I want to train. Have been eating much more and the calories have not been nice to me. I train hard so when I'm done I'm really sweaty. Yea gross. I decide to take a shower. It's so relaxing I could stay here for hours. I have to force myself to get out. When I do I take my time though. I blow dry my hair and brush it carefully so there are no tangles.

I lay in my bed and try to sleep again. But I keep hearing this crumpling noise. I jump off my bed and throw my blanket around. They're is a note.


Another note. I'm seriously starting to freak out. I grab my phone and call Jasper. It rings 2 times before he answers the call.

"Hey"He says groggy

"Did I wake you up?"I ask


"I have to tell you something"I tell him the whole story.

"Why didn't you tell me anytime sooner!"He yells so loud I have to move the phone from my ear.

"You have alpha duties"I lie. I also want to see him I miss him. Just hearing his voice brightens my day. I guess it's because he marked me.

"I'm coming to visit you tonight"He hangs up. Jasper is coming. Jasper is coming. JASPER IS COMING!! Yay!!

"We get to see our mate"

"I know I'm so happy and exited"

I walk down the stair with a huge smile on my face. Today for breakfast it's only me,dad and Ky. My mom has to try and take over the queens place. Since Kys mom is the queen.

"Oww Your smile is burning my eyes Ariel calm down what happened"

"Jasper is coming"With that the attention is on me. Their eyes widen.

"What?"I ask

"When is he coming?"My father asks


"What about his alpha duties" I forgot all about that. I was just thinking about us.

"I didn't think about that."After that its silent for the rest of breakfast.

I head to my room and sleep. When I wake up its evening. Jasper is almost here. I'll call him.

"Hello" I say

"Hey I'm almost there about 10 more minutes okay?"

"Ok"I hang up. I need to clean my room. I fold my blanket and clothes. Then I turn off my tv. I make everything look neat and I close my closet. I grab my phone and check what time it is. Then I hear Jasper's voice. I sprint down the stairs. When we see each other. We literally run towards each other. He crashes his lips mine. I respond almost immediately. His grip around me tightens. Right when we
are about to deepen the kiss someone coughs and we break up.

"Dinners ready"

I grab Jasper's hand and pull to the table. We are going to be inseparable for the rest of the week.

"This looks good I haven't eaten yet"


When we all finish the meal.Ky says he probably gained a few. He also makes an announcement. He and Skylar are mates. Like we didn't see that coming.

"And we finished the mating process" We'll that one is a shocker.

"And she" All the lights turns off. Jasper's grip on my hand tightens. I hear Skylar gasp.

"Everyone calm down"My father says.

Jasper lets go of my hand for a second.

"We have intruders"My mother says. Jasper pulls me close to him and puts a cloth on my mouth. That's not Jasper. I Shriek and try to pull away but I'm being dragged out the door. I hear my family panic. When we get into a different car the lights come on and I drift off.

This was a set up.







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