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I felt Ariel's pulse. There was nothing there. Not even a small heartbeat. I felt a twig snap in me. I let the tears fall down my face along with everyone. I pulled out the blade in her stomach. I heard her mother gasp.

"That a heavenly fire blade"I know what those are. My parents told me about them when I was younger. It can kill any angel and leave them with a burning fire sensation until they were dead. Those were rare. It was even rare that we have one in front of us. I pulled it out of her stomach and held her close. She was scorching hot. Her skin was burning. I had to let go. When I did everyone gave me weird look.

"What do we do now?"I asked whispering barely getting the words out.

"We can arrange a funeral"Her brother Ky said. I wanted to rip his throat out and at the same time hug him because of the similarities of how much he looked like his sister.

"Is there anyway she can live again"I ask them. At first there's silence no one talks.

"Yes" her mother says. My eyes widen. There's still a chance. It may be small but its better than nothing.

"What is it"Ariel's father the king asks quickly. He's worried about her as much as I am.

"We might have to keep her in a hospital it's only a 10% chance that she will live"I wanted to kill Kaiden. My childhood friend. My best friend and my beta. I felt my canines extend and I knew my eyes changed color. My breathing became heavier. Something happened. I felt alone.

"Lets go now" I carried her burning body and took the blade with us.We rushed to the pack doctor at the hospital.Her body heat didn't bother me anymore.But it was getting hotter by the minute even though she's gone.When the doctor examined her he needed to have a talk with the queen. Ariel's mother. They took Ariel out on a gurney.When the doctor and Ariel's mother came back in there faces were serious and pale.

"She has to undergo a surgery.She may remain like this or she may live with certain conditions."Her mother said fidgeting with her bracelet."

"When does she have to do the surgery"I felt something wet coming down on my face. Tears. I was crying. The alpha was crying. I decided there's no use in keeping it bottled up. I cried for what seemed like hours along with everyone else.

"She's doing it right now"Ariel's mother said.

"What!"Ky shouts. He's not the only shocked one. We all have shocked expressions.

"They said the chance for her to live is lower though and that if she does she will be in a coma for a while."She says sobbing.In a coma.

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