Chapter6: change

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I woke up the next morning , feeling a slight headache, and I knew exactly why.
I cried myself to sleep last night.

I decided to got up.
I didn't wanna stay in bed and dwell on my pathetic life. Not today. I took a long warn shower and I head to the kitchen. More like I dragged my feet there but I had to have some food in my system.

In there I found my dad and sister already having breakfast. I sat down at the table, they were  eying me suspiciously. I just look at them back.

"Good morning, how are you guys today ? Now before you ask me anything , I'm gonna start with telling you what happened"

"Are you okey ?" Dad asked.
And for the first time in two days I felt fine.
Hearing my dad's question was somehow reassuring.

"Yes I'm fine " I sighed.

"That's all that matters, you girls can have this time to talk about everything, I know you want to hear everything Delilah " and with that he got up grabbing his cup of coffee and came to kiss me of the forehead and just like that he left to his office I'm assuming.
I'm grateful to have him in my life and I'm grateful to have him being so understanding.

"Yes! now tell me, what happened? And why were you sad yesterday?" Delilah's mouth fired all the questions she's been holding up.

" So you remember at the party when you guys forced me into drinking? it all started then and there ..."

I told her everything and I saw her reaction change from lovey and dreamy to surprised, after each part of the the story.
"But Belle wait wait !"
Delilah interrupted.
I stopped talking and looked at her.
"You loved it , right ?"
She asked a little to excited for my liking.
"Well of course but I really don't wanna think about it cause clearly he doesn't think the same. So wait until I tell you what happened the next morning ..."

And I continued telling her all about his not all the way to when I went to work and what happened there.

"What! I'm so sorry I didn't know you had to deal with that all at once, and your boss, what an ass !" She exclaimed probably thinking of ways to torture him, so I had to explain further.

"I can't really blame him, I mean I was late in my first day, and I had no excuse when he asked for one. What would I tell him? 'oh excuse me my one night stand didn't wake me up '."

"Again I'm sorry" Delilah said clearly feeling guilty.

"Listen don't be. I just wasn't meant to be working there, maybe I should just stick to being around you guys and work with dad" I try to convince her when I myself wasn't convinced.

"Yes! that's a great idea! By the way dad was just telling me about the new gallery he's opening in France, you can go manage all the work there ... OMG I'm so excited, I'm gonna call dad and see if he's at the office right now we'll discuss it with him."

I didn't have anytime to answer or to think. She pushed me towards my bedroom and told me to get changed. Again, I followed her orders and went back downstairs.

"Come on! My dad is expecting us, he is curious as I didn't tell him what's going on "

What has gotten into her? she's being excited.
That's how Delilah is when she feels responsible for something she tries to fix it.
I just got inside the car .
And she drove off .

We arrived at my dads office.

"Girls! Is everything alright? you got me worried"
My dad said coming our way to hug us.

"No don't be. Listen you know what you told me this morning about the branch opening in France and all." Delilah answered.

"Oh yes I do, but what does that have to do with you two being here?"

"Long story short; Bella lost her job that she just got, And I thought she could takes over managing the new gallery in France, it's a way for her to think and also work without feeling any pressure"
While Delilah explaining everything to my dad in one sentence.

"What do you think Bella ?" Dad shifted his gaze to me.

"I actually love the idea, and I've always wanted to visit France" I say the last word in my best french accent.

"Ok then, we have a deal no pressure here, all I want is for you two to be happy" he smiled "or at least while I'm still around I'll try to make it happen"
Delilah and I went to hug him.
I love my family and I appreciate everything they did and still doing to me, and I wouldn't want to change them for world.

"But one more thing, I was planning on sending someone to check how everything is working but since you decided to go. what about you go next week?"

This early ? Great that won't give me time to think and feel bad about my self and lose all my confidence.

"Yes I'd love it, as I said I've always wanted to visit France " I answer.

"Great, now that you're leaving next week, girl we have so much to do to make you get ready"
This time it was Delilah chipping in. I know she's already got the week planned out.
Dragging me out of the office, I heard dad saying "have fun girls !"

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