Chapter 24: date night

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The next day I had to go to work and pretend like yesterday never happened.
Let it be. Give him sometime. We all have our mistakes and I'm sure he wouldn't be cheating again. I say all of this in hopes of calming me down, I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.
I go in to the office and there was no one there.
Great! So I quickly went to my own desk.
Moments later my phone buzzed. It was a text from Liam.
*are you at the office already?*
How did he know?
*yes, I am *

I didn't get a reply after that.
I fidget with my phone then I unlocked the screen to check my social media accounts.
I hear the door open so I stood and went to Nicholas' office. This must be Liam.
But I was met with two cold eyes. He looked angry. what is it now?

"Good morning! I thought you were Liam" I say and turn to leave and close the door behind me.
"Wait! What's going one between you two?" Nicholas asked a little too loud.
"I don't see how that's any of your business" I answer clearly.
I don't even know how he moved so quickly but in a second he was pinning me to the wall and was facing me preventing me from moving. Our chests and noses almost touching.
"When I ask you a question you answer"
"Or what? You don't own me"
He smirks.
"So you're gonna play this way" this wasn't a question. And somehow this sentence seemed to send me back to reality and free me from my numbness. I pushed him away from my body but he wouldn't budge.
My hands on his chest, I could feel him tensing up but he didn't remove my hands away.
He looked me straight in the eyes and for a second there I forgot how to breath. He leaned in slowly. But he stopped when almost both of our lips were touching. I could feel electricity radiating from his own lips to my mine.
Barely touching my lips he inhales deeply then he bit his own lips and stepped back.
He smirks and went to his desk.
I was frozen in my spot my feet couldn't move. That's the effect he has on me. Oh wait he must've realized that too. I inhale and pull myself together, and quickly leave his office.

"Good morning Bella" Liam chimed in my office. I look up smiling to greet him so I find him by the door Hoping two cups of coffee.
"Good morning! Is one of those for me? Cause if it's not you are so not leaving from here" I say jokingly.
"I brought one just for you, delivery included but I actually don't mind not leaving your office" he rose his left eye brow and I just laughed and reached for my coffee.
Liam sat in one of the chairs I had inside my office and had his phone in his hand.
He then asked:
"Can I see you before you leave work?"
"Why are you asking?"
"I want to drive you home" he said.
"Ok sure"
Liam seems to do everything right, and although he's the sweetest to me. Something seemed off to me. I'm trying to figure out why is he being nice to me.

When I was almost done with my work. It was already 05:00pm. I called Liam. He hung up on me so I just continued fetching my things and getting ready to leave.
I soon get a text:
*meet me at the parking lot*
I leave and close the door behind me. Debating on whether I should say anything to Nicholas before I leave.
I decided on not telling him anything and descended quietly.
I find Liam at the parking next to a black Mercedes. He opens the passenger door to me and I thank him in return.
The journey on the way home was quiet but not awkward, as I got to play some piano music in the car that Liam didn't seem to mind at all.
When we reach home he parked the car in the drive way and then turned to look at me.
"Do you have any plans this weekend?"
He asked.
"No, not yet at least" I smile saying that.
"So will you go out with me?"
I didn't quite expect this question from him. But that explain a lot about his behavior.
He's a nice and genuine guy.
So I accepted and he said he'll call me.

After 3days_______

The date went smoothly.
As I was home alone and Delilah wasn't here I struggled to find the right outfit but I managed.
And the reaction I got from Liam pleased me.

My first [finished ✅]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon