Simple Moments

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I threw my legs onto his lap and nuzzled into his side. He was so much warmer than me - he always was. He chuckled and placed his arm around my shoulders.

"Feeling cuddly today, are we?" Taron asked quietly, taking a sip of his drink with his other hand.

"I'm cold."

"You're always cold," he chuckled, pulling me with him as he leaned forward to place his glass on the coffee table.

I faked an offended gasp and he chuckled lowly again. I could feel the vibrations in his chest as I settled in closer.

"You could have put the DVD in before crashing down on top of me..."

"But it's cold over there and you haven't picked a film yet," I moaned.

"Well, maybe you could pick one today?"

"Noooo," I pouted. "I get to watch these films all the time. You're always away filming and whatever, so while you're here, you have to choose."

"Fair enough," Taron smiled. He tried his best to see the titles of the films from where we were sitting, but as I watched his eyebrows furrow in concentration, I already knew what he was going to pick. It was always that same, battered old DVD, with years of over-watching worn into the cover. It was his favourite film - something he couldn't deny.

I waited, watching his lips form the first syllable, and as he said it, I mouthed along. Labyrinth.

"Surprise, surprise," I laughed.

"Whaaaaat?" he moaned. "Don't make me choose if you know you're not going to like the answer."

"It's not that I don't like the answer..." I smiled sweetly at him, waiting for him to work it out for himself.

"You can never watch that film too many times," he replied, affronted.

"Uh-huh," I shrugged.

Before I knew what was happening, I had been lifted from his side and practically slammed onto the cushions of the sofa. Staring up at him, my mouth was open in shock for a moment before he stuck his tongue out at me, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Stop picking on my film choices," he warned.

"I'm not..." I eyed him carefully. "For me to pick on your choices would have to pick more than one film!"

He squinted his eyes suspiciously at me, and I giggled again.

Suddenly our body were writhing and twisting against each other's as he preceded to attack me with tickles. He found the weak spots on my sides, and under my arms. He was merciless as his nimble fingers found their way into every ticklish place I had. He knew exactly what he was doing as I thrashed against him, screaming, laughing, then screaming again.

I begged for mercy, but it did nothing. I tried to fight back but my laughter was making me weak. I did find a little strength now and then, but not enough to move his muscled body away. I was trapped, and honestly, not hating it.

Several minutes passed, until he asked mid-tickle, "Ready to give up yet?"

I glared.

"I can go all day."

I mumbled some noises that meant nothing, but then quickly squealed as he attacked again. "I give up!" I breathed, "I give up."

"Good," he said patronisingly. "And we're going to watch Labyrinth?"

"I suppose so."

"Can't you be more enthusiastic?" he chuckled, his heavy-breathing chest hovered above my own as we looked into each other's eyes. His were sparkling with playful happiness, and I couldn't say no to him.

"Yay, Labyrinth," I said sarcastically.

"Yeah... that'll have to do, I guess."

We smiled at each other for a moment more, then Taron leaned down and kissed me softly on the tip of my nose. He stood slowly, and steadied himself. Then, with a look of caring, he leaned down again and picked my tired, almost-limp body up. He walked us over to the DVD player, clumsily threw the film on, with me still in his arms, then walked back to the sofa. He placed me on his lap and held me tight as he pressed play.

The opening scene commenced and I heard his breathing start to calm in my ear. His hands rubbed over the exposed skin of my hand and wrist, and his lips gently pressed against my cheek.

I felt something in my heart I'd only ever known with him. I smiled, looked him in the eyes, and for the first time in my life, I said the words, "I love you, Taron."

His eyes glistened for a moment, before he pressed his lips to mine with a smile of his own. As we parted, we opened our eyes and really looked at each other. His lips opened slightly. They closed. They opened again, and he spoke softly, "I love you too."


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