Opening secret.

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Qulsum's POV.

After last nights conversation I couldn't sleep properly. For the first time I didn't wanna stay here anymore.

When he told me to just leave. I actually cried because of that. And the whole scene just keeps coming into my head.

Still it won't leave my mind. I just don't know how to end this.

I finally got up got ready and opened the door and took a step outside this cold room.

I walked towards my room. Well Yaseen and mine.

But it's more mine cause I usually sleep in it.

I peeked the door open and slowly walked in and looked around for my laptop.

"What're you doing in here." I jump in shock hearing him.

"Just to get my laptop." I say turning to him.

"Um... I'll just ..come later." I say shutting my eyes and turning around.

Is this a dream? Or am I actually in a room with Yaseen with nothing but a towel wrapped around his bottom half. Please be a dream.  This is embarrassing.

"You can stay here. I'm leaving anyway." He says stopping me.

"No it' I- it-i mean-" I began to say as I walked forward and literally just smacked myself against the wall.

"Ow." I whisper rubbing my forehead.

"Why?" He asks walking towards me.

"Um.." I shut my eyes. This is probably the most uncomfortable awkward situation I have ever in my life gone through.

"You-you seem..busy" I say and he bent down and looked me right in the eye with his head only an inch away.

"Am I making you feel uncomfortable?" He whispers.

"Next time knock before you walk in to MY room." He says.

I stared at him and then put my finger out and poked his arm.

He stepped away and looked at me with his face in shock.

"I was checking if this was real or a dream." I whisper and he smiles.

"God. What.. Here you can touch this arm too. You must like muscular me-"

"No no no, I was-"

"Anyway I don't really care. Go sit. You can stay." He says walking towards his closet.

I just walked towards the bed grabbed my bed from then side and opened up my email.

I looked up and watched him comb his hair.

He was dressed up after 15
Minutes and then he simply stood in front of the bed.

"Can you.." He begins to say and I look up at his frustrated face.

"Last night..I'm s-" he stops and runs his hand through his hair.

I didn't respond really and he left. He didn't even finish his sentence,

He tried to say sorry. I just know it!

QulsumDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora