Unwanted guest.

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I shut my eyes and waited for Maria to come in.

"What's up?" I hear her and open my eyes and gesture for her to take a seat.

"Thank you."

"I was wondering if you..if you'd like to..come over for dinner?" I ask trying not to lose my cool.

"I'm busy tonight, tomorrow works"

"No that's fine. Enjoy your evening."

"I'll come, I'm sure I can manage" she said quickly changing her mind.

I nod and she smiles and walks off.

Why did I invite her? To prove to Qulsum that I genuinely didn't like her? Or to back up my lie? Or maybe it's my ego.

Qulsum's POV.

"Where's Aliza going?" I ask as mama comes my way.

"Out with friend to eat dinner. Gosh, crazy wallahi!" She says laughing.

"Where's that Yaseen? Its so late he hasn't gotten off work yet? He didn't even call!" She says with her voice getting pitchier by every word.

"I'm sure he's-"

The doorbell rings and we head towards the door and Tariq opens the door and Yaseen comes in with a woman coming after.

The woman that keeps him happy. It makes sense. She's so professional. She was beautiful.

"Hi guys!" She says and I smile and wave and I could feel Yaseen's eyes on me.

"Tariq go take her to the living room" mama says and the two walk away.

"Who is this Yaseen?" She says under gritted teeth.

"She works with me."

"What is she doing here?"

"I invited her for dinner"

"Is she your wife?" She asks and as soon as she said that I shut my eyes.

"No." He says.

"Then you should not be mingling around with her. She works with you thats it!"

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions mama" he says staring down at her.

"Okay then. Go ahead. Bring all the girls that work with you here. You can't take care of one and you bring in a random woman-"

"You brought her randomly too!" He shouts pointing at me back and I stood there shocked,offended and broken.

"She is your wife! I asked you!"

"And Maria works with me and I chose her!"

"This is ridiculous!" She says.

"No you're making this a lot more complicated then it really is! She's my guest! And you need to respect that!"

"I am your mother!"

"Then stay in your position as a mother!"

"Yaseen!" I say raising my voice. I was sick of him.

"Don't talk to her like that! Say sorry." I say and he stares at me with anger.

"Leave him Qulsum." Mama says walking away slowly.

"If you won't treat her like your mother, fine but She's like my own mother too and I will not let you talk to her like that!" I say staring him right in the eye.

"She's not like your mother. Cut the bullshit." He says.

"You're just so selfish. You just think its all about you. Your mom was worried about you and when you come, you yell at her, how can you disrespect her like that, you're just so insensitive. Treat me how you like but don't treat your mom like that. I don't care how angry you are, don't raise your voice at her."

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